The Ball

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Terra and the King walked through the open doors and Terra almost immediately wanted to be anywhere but there. Everyone in that room was looking at them and their stares made Terra's skin crawl. What was worst was King Gael still had his hand on Terra's waist and it definitely wouldn't be good for Terra's sake if she slapped the King in front of so many witnesses. All Terra could do in this situation was just smile nicely and go wherever the King lead her with his hand still firmly holding her by the waist.

Terra felt like the King was showing her off for some reason. Terra felt that if he wanted to show off one of the girls he could have picked one of the prettier ones like Aylin or Eileen or even Lady Willow but instead he was showing off Terra to a bunch of nobles Terra had never even heard of. Terra thought about what his reasoning could be for doing this. Maybe it was because Terra wasn't nobility that he could do this without having to worry about how the families would react or the political issues it could cause if he was seen favouring one of the noble women over the other, Terra was the safe option. Terra didn't like being the safe option, because it meant that she had to be paraded around the ballroom for the first two hours of that ball. Terra noticed the glare she was getting from Lady Willow and she noticed how Princess Ruby was chuckling whenever they made eye contact.

The King's first dance of the night was with Terra, thankfully this dance was one she had practiced the most so at least she wouldn't make a fool of herself with everyone looking at her. Terra couldn't wait for the dance to be other as it meant King Gael would finally have to let go of Terra and go seek out the other ladies to dance with. King Gael guided Terra gracefully into the middle of the dance floor. The hand which had been firmly on Terra's lower hip since the start of the ball moved higher up Terra's hip as King Gael put Terra's hand on his shoulder as Terra put her other hand on his bicep. The band of musicians played beautifully and smoothly as King Gael guided Terra through the steps of the dance. They moved forwards and backwards around the dance floor in time with the rhythm of the music. King Gael twirled Terra a couple of times during the dance as they weaved their way through the other dancers.

Once the song came to an end, the king's hand finally left Terra's side but he took hold of one of her hands and pressed a quick kiss to Terra's knuckles. King Gael then walked off to pursue on of the other girls in the competition. Terra was delighted she was now free to do as she wished. Terra had to reframe from running in the opposite direction of the King but Terra wanted to make sure she didn't cross paths with the King again as she had seen enough of him for at least a week in Terra's opinion. Terra made her way over to the drinks table and picked up a glass of white wine. Terra spotted Princess Ruby snacking on some roasted acorns covered in a sprinkling of salt not far from her. Terra went over to Princess Ruby happily. "Did yea have fun then Terra?" Princess Ruby asked Terra playfully with a wink. Terra sighed "I think I just meet at least fifty people I will never see again in my entire life!" Terra said in a playful tired tone. Princess Ruby chuckled "I wouldn't say that just yet, from the look of it you and his majesty seem very...attached to one another!". Terra sensed the little jib Princess Ruby just threw at her. Terra groaned quiet enough that only the Princess and herself could hear. "Now lass it's not that bad, at least you got the dance over with and you set the standard for how well the rest of us will have to behave when we are taken around and shown to the court!". Admittedly Terra didn't think about it like the way Princess Ruby thought about the situation. Obviously Terra would have to be introduced to court but she never quite imagine how it would go. Terra barely even spoke when she was introduced to people, King Gael just wouldn't stay quiet long enough for Terra to be able to get a word in edge ways.

Princess Ruby took Terra by the hand and walked with her through the crowd in a certain direction. Terra saw a dwarf with dark red hair and dark purple eyes. He had a crown of silver and rubies and amethysts.  "Brother may I introduce you to Miss Terra Riverglade!" Princess Ruby introduced Terra to her brother King Bratin. "Terra this is my brother King Bratin of Mt. Mianadóir!" Princess Ruby stated quickly. "It is an honor to make your acquaintance!" Terra told King Bratin with a quick, easy smile. King Bratin smiled broadly and his eyes crinkled the same way his sister's did. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you Miss Riverglade, my sister has wrote to me about you a lot, you appear to be good friends!" King Bratin said good-naturedly. Terra nodded with the smile still on her face, "Yes I would say we are!" Terra confirmed. Terra chatted with Princess Ruby and King Bratin until King Gael inserted himself into the conversation for a minute until he took Princess Ruby by the hand and took her away somewhere. King Bratin remained chatting to Terra for a few minutes more until he had to go find someone else he had been meaning to talk with all night.

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