Norma jean.

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A strange person to do a poem about.. not because she was strange but because she was so extraordinary.

Many see her as a negative symbol- as just a sex symbol, or the Kennedy girl. But she was more, and if you too have that gorgeous insight on certain people you can tap into you'll know how beautiful her soul really is.

Tormented and used all her life by people and men.. she just wanted an escapism- and her songs, fashion, image and film was just that.

All the pain, hurt, hell she endured she still smiled- when she had her fourth miscarriage she had a smile so bright but eyes so dim.. our poor fallen angel.

She's inspired so so many people.. her story was a venture to make people feel better- if Marilyn could do it, wear it- I suppose we could.

Black beauty mark, bold red lips and siren eyes-

A little Chanel no.5 shaped star in the sky that will never fade for us.

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