chapter one

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Hey guys so this is my first story and I really hope you like it :D enjoy!!


Aubree's POV

I woke up to someone jumping on the bed... Alex ..

"ugh what do you want?"

I groaned

"wake up punk!" Alex screamed .

I jumped up from bed

"i'm up already !"

I looked to my right and saw the time



"Vic is coming!!"

Jack burst through the door

"and?" I said carelessly

"just come with us to pick him up at the airport"

I moaned in annoyance "no"

"Aubree please" Alex pleaded

"no " I groaned

"you don't have a choice" Jack said.

"uhm yes I do"

"no because if you don't go you'll have to explain to mom why you didn't go pick up your best friend Vic"

Alex said making quotations while saying best friend

"Fuck you. " I mumbled and got up walking towards the bathroom.

I heard Jack mumble something to Alex about being harsh.


After I finished my shower I walked applied eyeliner and put on a long sleeve grey V neck shirt with black skinny jeans.

I curse the day god made Alex my brother.

"Where's Jack?" I asked

"He's outside turning in the engine "

" we better get food before picking him up and I hope you know i'm not talking to him" I complained while we both walked outside.

I hopped next to Jack hearing Alex groan


Nobody said anything.

"Are we going to get food?" I Asked Jack

"Yes when we are on our way back"


We drove to the airport ugh I'm not looking forward to this. Why did I even go?I should've told mom the truth. I bet he won't even acknowledge my presence.

"Aubree stop over thinking " Jack said

I shut off my thoughts as we arrived an hour later at the airport

"Can I at least wait in the car" I said

"let her stay in the car. I don't want her to be upset while standing there" Alex said.

wow. nicest thing he's said to me all week.

They both got out and I checked my Instagram. Dry as always. I plugged in my earphones shutting everything out

I put it on shuffle hearing Mayday Parade start to play.

Looking out the window I see Jack, Alex, Vic and a girl holding his hand.

Oh fuck. He has a girlfriend. Danielle or Dandeline or whatever her name is.

No No No.

This is bad. I can't. I can't.

I felt my anxiety kick in as i pulled at my sleeves.

Alex opened the car door and they got in I could feel Vic's eyes burning on the back of my head.

Jack started driving as I pretended to be interested in my phone.

"Hi I'm Danielle nice to meet you " The bitch said

"I'm Aubree. Nice to meet you too" I faked smiled

We pulled up at Ihop. Great. I got out of the car along with the others.

I still felt Vic looking at me the entire dreadful walk to our table.

Jack sat down and I sat next to him. Alex sat across from Jack with Danielle next to him.

Vic sat down across from me making me tense up even more.

I couldn't even look at him.

We ordered and I quietly ate my pancakes with bacon and eggs.

When we arrived at the house I went up to my room without saying a single word.

He completely forgot about me and didn't called/texted and now he has a girlfriend. I blasted music loud enough to quiet down my thoughts and logged onto wattpad on my laptop



Please tell me what you think of it! It's my first story and it would mean tons !! THANK YOU FOR READING !

- B

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