The Invisible Little Girl

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There was a little girl alone in the windy cold winter is the start of the winter is cold and frost have just frozen the branches of the tree the sky was clear and cold with a cold breeze the little girl wander the street of the cold frozen snowy street with her frozen blue frozen feets and frozen hands and her finger was so cold it was blue and stiff she have a bean bag of clothes and socks and old skin shoes she couldn't go home because she was afraid she would be beaten if she didn't sold a single penny everywhere she could she people around her was endearing and exit the shops for the holidays she walks to one of the storefront and saw all the wonderful warm clothes and socks and wondering if she could have one of the warms sock she could feel her sore and blue frozen hands and feel

And puts her cold blue small frozen hand on the window and looks at the window and was pushed by a few young boys and laugh at her and kicked her and taught her for her frozen feet and hands and trew old used smelly socks at her and they said to her * oh you hurt little poor little ditched poor one oh forgot you cant even buy food on the table for the holidays and they all alight at her

She held her small tiny frozen hands and could feel how frozen tears ran down her frozen blue frozen cheeks and then she could see the widows and smell the wonderful smell of gorgeous food and the roasted chicken and the new baked bread with butter she held her hand over her stomach and feel the emptiness of not can go home she sits down on the edge of the shop window and looked up and held out a small package of socks and skin shoes with hay imbedded hay for warmth and held out her small frozen shivering blue hands for the hope that she could sell a single penny of the clothes.

She thought what if i put the shoes on to keep the warmth and she put it on but they were too big for her and she could feel it flying around her feet.

She looked up in the sky and saw the stars and the moon

Mom used to tell her then you see the moon and the stars you can see your dreams and your grandparents who always will watch you even after your have joined them in the heaven of god

She feel tired and curled up and could see the start rises above down to her and she saw her friend who have entered the haven and held her hands and then she told her to not let go yet ' but the little girl she said i'm tired the other girl said not to let go is not her time to let go she feel more and more tired and she say the moon rises with her and could she as she rises with the moon and start her grands family and she could feel the warmth and their closes closeness

She closed her eyes and she opens her eyes and didn't feel tired and cold and saw she stood in the cloud of heavens were the pain and coldness wasn't there and the sits down on the chairs of the heavens were she could she her beauty on the mirrored could and she felt her grandparents hugging her close.

On the street they saw a little girl curled up ' she's just sleeping in the cold.

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