4. Love Is Love

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First's pov:

My life had always been very boring until this man named Khaotung came into it. He's a detective, the first ever man that got me hooked on his finger. The first ever man that had me interested enough for me to want to date him so bad.

Fooling around had always been my cup of tea. But this time, it was different. This man actually made me feel butterflies and made me actually want him all to myself. Not just in a sexual way but in a romantic way.

I'd always thought someone like me would never find someone interesting enough to date. But this man just had something to him that had me dragging after him and miss him when he's out of my sight.

Was I scared of this new feeling? Kind of. But I was also very excited to explore this new path of life and see where it took me. But would he accept me? That's the question I needed the answer to.

It'd just been over 2 months since I'd met this man but he'd already taken all over my heart. Today I'd gained the courage to confess to him and didn't matter how it could have gone, I just wanted to do it and get the burden of heartbreak out of me.

I'd never believed in love, because in my 25 years of life, I'd never experienced it before. And now that someone had  reassured me that real love existed, I was not letting them go just like this!

Today was special. And since my bar was the place where we first met, I decided to reopen the bar. Yes, in the daytime. And instead of letting him come to the bar on his own, I called him here.

A few minutes after, I heard a knock on the locked bar's door. I opened the door and let him in while closing the door but not locking it.

"Why did you call me here at this time, First?" He asked in his forever soft voice with a wide, innocent smile that could melt me right now.

"I- I need to talk to you about something." I replied, slightly sluttering. Yes, I'm a confident, straightforward person but of course, I'm also scared of heartbreak
"What is it?" He asked, looking at me, concerned.

I came closer to him and placed my big, soft hands on his neck and he responded by doing the same. I never knew a simple gesture could show such complex feelings.

"Khaotung,.. I don't know how to tell you this. But..." I stopped and took his hand from my neck to my waist as he couldn't really reach my neck.

"I've never felt like this with anyone and I doubt I ever will! Khao, I like you more than just a stranger I met one day!" Before I could say more, Khao put his index finger on my mouth.

"Sshh, Will you be my boyfriend?" He tiptoed and whispered into my ear.

I immediately brushed his finger off of my mouth, "Hey, that was supposed to be my line!"

He brushed the hair off of my forehead and replied, "If you thought I'd let you ask first, you were very wrong." He smiled.

"After all, you are my cutie pie!" He continued and pinched my cheek.

"I am a guy!" I replied.

"So what? Guys can't be cute?" He squinted his eyebrows, giving a teasy smile.

"It's okay, babe. Love is love." He said and brushed my hair.

My cheeks instantly gained colour after I heard him call me 'babe'.
"You're blushing, babe? I think I should go now, First. I've got some business to finish. Take care." He pinched my cheek and left me hanging, smiling like an idiot.

Khaotung's pov:

First just... proposed to me? Although I just looked like an overconfident brat, it wasn't easy for me to process what he was saying as well.
And did I mention how cute he looked? He was wearing a white shirt and folded jeans and had a middle partition in his hair. He looked fabulous.

But just because we're in a relationship now doesn't mean he could get away with everything. I still needed to find out about what he's hiding. And this relationship was on my favour, it's gonna help me get closer to him and find out the truth.

I did really love him but If I was someone to choose my feelings over my job then I wouldn't have been one of the best detectives in the whole country. I'd been heartbroken enough to not make the same mistakes all over again. Maybe that's why some people often saw me as a heartless person but I just didn't trust people too easily and get in trouble.

While thinking this, I got a call from my secretary. "S- sir, we found another body in the river. Please come here ASAP." My eyes immediately widened but I blocked myself from panicking. I didn't expect another murder to happen even after I'd started investigating, on my watch!

"Okay, don't take the body out yet. I am coming." I put the phone in the pocket and rush my car to the river.

Once I arrived at the place, I stood against the river, watching the body float up and people crying rounding around the body.
"Are these the person's relatives?" I asked to a person right beside me.
"Yes, sir. Those are his parents and older sister."

"Please, step aside, sir and ma'am. Let me examine the body." I requested to the parents, trying to see the body.

I felt really bad seeing the mother scream and cry her eyes out sitting aside the body but I couldn't do anything. "Ma'am, I am really sorry about your son but please calm down. We can't focus. We've to find out the real culprit against this so we can save more people from danger." I am sorry but I didn't know how to say that without sounding rude.

They stepped apart and the mother looked at me, her screaming stopped but she was still sobbing. Some rescuer came forward to put the body aside on the bank of the river.

I touched each part of the body and the clothes, examining the body thoroughly and found a few things. A plastic feather on the shirt's front pocket, fingerprints around his neck and a broken tiny glass bottle near the river. It was a small bottle, almost identical to those glitter bottle that used to be sold in libraries when I was young.
But there were no signs of killing. No blood, no pressure on any of his body parts.

I told my secretary to find every detailed information about the person who died and I went to the laboratory myself to check the things.

On my way to the lab, I stared at the feather for a while as it looked familiar. Until I realised that was the feather I saw on... First's jacket.

To Be Continued.....

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