What in the world

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In the bustling streets of a city in our world, amidst the cacophony of honking cars and bustling pedestrians, two figures materialized out of thin air. Erwin Smith and Levi, both bewildered and disoriented, found themselves in a world entirely unfamiliar to them. They found themselves amidst a maze of towering buildings and neon-lit signs. The cityscape stretched out before them, a dazzling array of glass and steel that seemed to reach endlessly into the sky.

Erwin, with his commanding presence and thoughtful gaze, scanned their surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Beside him stood Levi, his expression stoic and guarded as always, his sharp eyes assessing the alien landscape with suspicion.

"What in the world..." Erwin murmured, his voice barely audible over the din of the city.

Levi remained silent, but the furrow in his brow deepened as he took in the towering buildings, the gleaming cars, and the sea of faces rushing past them. This was nothing like the world they knew.

As they struggled to comprehend their situation, a young woman approached them, her eyes widening in recognition as she took in their appearances.

"Wait a minute... You two look familiar," she said, her voice tinged with excitement. "Are you... Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman?"

Erwin and Levi exchanged a puzzled glance before nodding cautiously. "Yes, that's us. But how do you know our names?"

The young woman's face broke into a wide grin. "I can't believe it! You're characters from Attack on Titan, aren't you? You're from an anime!"

Erwin and Levi exchanged another bewildered glance, struggling to comprehend what she was saying. Anime? Attack on Titan? These were terms completely foreign to them except for the word Titan.

"We're sorry, but we're not sure what you're talking about," Erwin replied, his tone laced with confusion.

The young woman's excitement didn't waver as she explained the concept of anime and recounted the beginning of the plot of Attack on Titan to Erwin and Levi, her words painting a vivid picture of their supposed fictional world.

As the realization dawned on Erwin and Levi that they were somehow characters from a fictional story brought to life, they exchanged a glance filled with disbelief. The young woman's revelation only deepened their sense of disorientation, leaving them grappling with the unsettling truth of their existence.

Seeing Erwin and Levi's confusion, the young woman decided to present herself  hoping to ease their apprehension "My name is Amelia." With a warm smile, she invited them at her house"Since you both seem a bit lost and confused, why don't you come home with me? You can gather your thoughts in peace, and I can also show you some proof about what i'm saying. Maybe it'll help make sense of things."

Erwin and Levi exchanged a hesitant glance before nodding in agreement. Despite their reservations, the prospect of gaining some clarity about their situation was too tempting to pass up.

As they followed Amelia through the bustling streets, Erwin and Levi couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place in this modern world. Yet, Amelia's reassuring presence provided a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty.

Upon reaching Amelia's apartment, the entrance opened into a small foyer adorned with vibrant artwork and potted plants, lending a touch of warmth to the space. A soft rug lay underfoot, muffling the sounds of the outside world.

From there, a hallway stretched out before them, lined with photographs and paintings that offered glimpses into Amelia's life. The walls were painted in soft, soothing hues, creating a serene ambiance that enveloped them as they walked.

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