Just a job

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The goblin's blood spills green across the floor.

His soulless eyes blink once, and stare forever.

The blades wipe clean and then are sheathed.

Just a job. It's Just a job.

The sin'dorei gapes for air, his veins bulging at the poison.

One last arcane blast is cast, the crackling scent fills the air as it collides with the attacker, sending him flying.

The pained grunt as the assassin stands over his hapless victim.

Just a Job. It's Just a job.

Two wolves clash, the snarling aura of fur and fangs.

One falls, his throat cut, bleeding crimson. His body rendered into pieces by a vengeance ridden beast.

His eyes black as the night, his face a spattered mask of no remorse.

Just a job. More than a job.

He limps against the steps, recovering from his wounds, fresh scars glistening.

Her face glows as they talk, his resolve faltering.

The hope of love and family, so close he can touch it.

Just a job...No. No more job.

Old scars, not yet faded.

Surrounded by family, friends, loved ones.

Content at last.

No more job. No...not any more.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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