Adventures of The Doctor and Manyetha

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CHAPTER ONE ''the mission'' ~ By Brookie

I was roaming around town when mysonic watch rung, again. Master said there was trouble in Ponyville, Equestria. ''Manyetha, I'm counting on you. Theres your code in the 57th pouch, open it alone and type in the code. Make sure nobody is around. You will turn into a pony. Don't question about hooves, The doctor will TRY and teach you to use them.... Goodluck Manyetha.'' I end the message and go behind an old building, and type in the code as told. I use the sonic screwdriver to unlock the TARDIS and sit down, but this time, I felt different. The Doctor comes out with a mirror and hands it to me. I struggle to pick it up, but finally manage the task.''Look in it''. The Doctor says. I slowly look in inside and notice I am some type cartoon! Did Master give me the wrong code?

CHATPER TWO ''meeting captian Jack''

''What?! Is this some kind of joke? A horse?!'' I say trembling with fear. ''No, you'll get used to it Manyetha.'' The Doctor says walking out from behind me.''Well, go ahead and get her going.'' I say acting like that converstation never happened. She made her aweful loud roar and teleported off. Next thing you know, we are in Ponyville, Equestria. Year 128465.~The Doctor finishes, and shows me around and then,he takes me to an ''invisible'' spaceship floating above the small village. ''Who lives here?'' I ask. Right before The Doctor gets to reply, a handsome colt comes, letting us in. ''Greetings Doctor''. ''Hello.'' He said awkwardly back for a reply. I was too embarrased to sit anywhere, thinking I'd break something in such a nice ship.He looks at me and starts ''Never seen such a fine Mare among my eyes..'' I turn a bright rosey red and the Doctor begins. ''Her name is Manyetha.'' ''Why hello, Manyetha''. He spoke.''I am Captian Jack''.

 CHAPTER THREE ''the dance''.

''Manyetha, I want you to stay here with Jack while I go ''investigate, wich you know as stalk.'' The Doctor tells me. I blush, once again and nod. Jack clears off a spot for me to sit while I hand The Doctor's sonic screwdriver to him and he exits. ''So, Manyetha.'' He says looking at my ''hooves'' or whatever they are. I honestly can't remember, and why I thnk that this ''pony'' or ''horse'' is supposingly handsome. Maybe that just happens when you transform,because I ammediatly stopped having feelings for The Doctor when I changed, and he was human. I don't know. I grin, forgetting what he said and sit down. ''Here.'' He takes my ''hooves'' again or whatever they are and he takes out some little yellow things and puts them in my hands. They float above my hands, and the next thing you know they dissapear and my hooves are clean, not hurt. ''Thanks..but what are those?'' ''They are nothing..'' He replies. I awkwardly sit down in the spot he cleared for me again, and he turns on some ''romantic music''. Then AGAIN, he takes my hand, well hoof and takes me to the top of his spaceship, of course, we just looked like floating people because his ship was invisible, but not on the inside. He wraps his arms around me and we begin to dance. Never knew HE was such of a good dancer! I have never seen somebody with these moves before, but me. We dance for a few minutes then he takes my hoof again, bringing me into his ship. ''Do you know that song?'' He asks. ''Yes! Of course! I love it!''. I reply even more happy then i was to meet him. We both lean in closer, and closer, and even closer, but right when that moment came,the door FLUNG open. It was The Doctor! With bad news..uh oh.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2013 ⏰

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