Saw You Again

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I can still remember the nostalgic days from my childhood up to now. Since when did I start my own story? Did I already finished it? Did I even know what's the climax of it? I asked myself those questions as I smile and closed my eyes as I start off the summary of my life.

It all started when I was still a young lass. I'm the eldest in our family. I have a wonderful, yet strict (Nationality) mother, a caring and funny Japanese dad, and a cute and innocent (Bro/N) who is currently in his 1st year in middle school. We live by the seashore and love surfing! We couldn't live without surfing. Every weekend, we get our surfing boards and have a race on whoever gets to the finish line/shore will be the winner. Mom always won and me as the second. I can remember vividly (Bro/N) and Dad's face whenever they lost which they were always. 

Those awesome days didn't end when I entered middle school. I confess, I was bullied because of my tan skin caused by my everyday swimming and under the bright sun. They always taunt me, back then, about me being the darkest female that they ever met. They'll call me "nigga" and other negative names like that. And when I got home, I'll cry on my parents' loving arms and tell them every thing that happened everyday. I once asked for their advice. Dad teased me about punching them in the face. He just got punched instead by Mom because of the effects of it if I did. Replacing that, Mom gave me a really good advice. "Show them my true self and prove them wrong about me." She said. And guess what happened? I entered a surfing contest with my school sponsoring it. I got the 1st place and after that, the bullying ceased. Hooray for Mom! 

Then, I graduated from middle school and entered high school. High school is the best 3-year experience for me! I entered with my best friend, (BF/N), at this school named Iwatobi. The first year was cool because the load that we were expecting are never met. I was happy as long as I have support. But, not always did I have that. 

Another year after that and I entered the 2nd year, alone. (BF/N) transferred to another school because of her parents' divorce. She lived with her Mom during the rest of her high school life without her Dad beside her. We never knew what happened with him since then. But, she and I always have time to meet. I mean, why not?

Anyways, once my 2nd year life started, I had a crush. During that time, I felt the weirdest feeling that I never felt before. I met a tall, slight bulky, brunette man who is as gentleman as ever. The ideal boyfriend that every girl could ever ask for. I was too stubborn to admit it, at first, that I did have a crush on him. But, with the help of my new friend, Matsuoka Gou-chan, I realized it and I am thankful for her guide. I developed that tingling feeling ever since I watched him and his swimming club/friends swam with their rival "again" during their Regional. They were the first to finish the relay, but got disqualified because of their rival, who is the older brother of Gou-chan, joining their's. I knew that all of them were childhood friends (the megane-boy exempted) and I couldn't forget his smile since then. So warm, so natural, and free from any sorts of negativity. I fell for him. Hard

2nd year turned into the 3rd and last year. I finally joined his swimming club to get closer to him. We became friends rapidly because we ended up in the same class as well his best friend, Nanase Haruka-kun. I admit, it's hard being their 2nd manager not because of their stocks, getting along, or anything connected to the activities of the club. But, the unity of the members itself. They were fighting and panicking about their future together. They cannot leave their present at that time because of too much familiarity with each other. They are too close that they almost cling each other when him and Haruka-kun already graduated with me. One did, though. His name is Hazuki Nagisa-chan, the most hyper dude that I ever met.

Before we even graduate and after the problem is solved, I confessed my love to him. I remember him, hesitatingly answered me with his adorable look on his face. He asked me if I could wait for him for a year and I said, "Yes." I know well enough of myself that I will be patient and will wait for him. If he didn't, it's okay. It maybe hard, but, I'll still like him. And nothing will change that.

Tachibana Makoto x Surfer! Reader [Saw You Again]Where stories live. Discover now