5. Can My Love Save You?

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Khao's pov:

The clues pointing to First for the second time couldn't be just a coincidence. I needed to get the rest of the things checked.

In the laboratory, the scientist checked in front of me that the fingerprints were First's as well. I can't believe he's keeping such a big secret from me, or am I dating a criminal? I need to find out more about this as fast as I can!

The bottle had no clue at all. Even the scientists had never seen that type of bottle but he's guessing it's a bottle of some type of medicine.

The wind was really strong outside. Looked like a storm was about to form. Perhaps the storm of my furiousness, anger and frustration at this point over First. I can't believe he lied to me.

At first, I did try my best to ignore the topic. Like the first time could have been a mistake or a coincidence. But three times in a row really couldn't be just a misunderstanding! He's for sure trying to hide something by covering it up with love.

I went back and did everything just like usual until I heard a knock on the door in the middle of the night.

"Who the heck is knocking on the door this late at night?" I mumbled on my own and dragged myself up from the bed.

Once I came near the door, I heard another knock and the sound of some footsteps. I looked through the doorhole and saw no one standing. So I opened it and found a piece of paper laying on the doormat with something written on it. I picked it up.

*I know you're trying to find me. And you think you're close to finding me as well. But keep in mind if I left actual clues. I wouldn't have been able to do 11 murders. Now if you wanna see me, meet me at your favourite place alone, without any weapons.*

"My favourite place?!? First's bar!" I shouted out. It was the only place that came into my mind after hearing the phrase.

I hurried up to my basement, hid a gun under my shirt and showed up to First's bar but there was nothing unusual. Perhaps he was talking about somewhere else.
But just when I turned around to go back, First saw me and came running to me while shouting my name, "Khao!!" And I couldn't resist myself to get back to him again. So I turned back around and gave an awkward smile, "First, babe!"

"Why are you here, Khao? I thought you said you won't come today!!"

"Yeah, I changed my mind." I scratched my head.

First's pov:

Khaotung was acting a bit weird. I don't know if he's actually suspecting something or it's just a coincidence. He has been acting weird lately and he's acting a lot stronger. I don't have a great feeling about this. I don't really want him to find out that...

Surprised by Khao's unexpected occurrence, I went up to him and touched his back while calling out his name "Khao!"

"First, babe!" He replied. I felt my cheeks turn pink when the word 'babe' came out of his mouth.

"Why are you here, Khao? I thought you said you won't come today!!" I asked in an excited voice.

"Yeah, I changed my mind." He scratched his head and gave me an awkward smile which had me suspecting something was wrong.

"Come inside!" I smiled and dragged him inside, not forcefully but he wasn't willing to go in either.

"Since you're my boyfriend now.., you can't say no! Dance with me?" I asked.

"Okay, fine!" He giggled.

"DJ, put a song for the couples! I wanna dance with my boyfriend." And as straightforward as I am, I shouted to the DJ.

"Shut up! You're embarrassing" Khao slowly hit me on my hand and whispered.

"I am just showing off my boyfriend!" I said sulking.
And he just gave me a side eye as a reply, grabbed my hand and started dancing to the slow beat of the song. Khaotung was smiling the whole time but this smile was different from all the smiles he gave me in the past.

It was weird and beautiful at the same time. His eyes and smile were screaming 'fear' and 'happiness' at the same time. As a result, that created a flicker of fear inside me too.

We were dancing romantically until both mine and Khao's eyes went on a black figure outside the bar. He ran like flash into a shop and instant scream came out of the shop.

I turned up to the side and saw Khao running outside the bar to see what was going on. I followed after him and before we could do anything, The black figure was already there holding a gun at the shop owner's head.

"Ah, Khaotung!" The guy shouted as he saw Khao in the very front of the crowd that was formed in front of him. I was confused cause I had no idea what was going on.

"I hope you didn't bring any weapons." He smiled. "Or you know what's gonna happen!" He said as he signalled him to come forward. I tried to stop Khao but he went forward and stood right in front of the black figure but in a distance.

"Oops, I see that little gun under your shirt!" He pointed to the gun under Khao's shirt with his eyebrows and whistled.

"Hand it in unless you want to see the dead body of this innocent man." He shouted once again.
Khao came more forward and placed his gun on the floor. I had no idea what he was doing.

Khao came even closer and tried to grab the man by his arm. He succeeded in doing that and pushed the man to the floor, releasing the owner who was shaking in fear due to a gun being held by his head.

The guy pulled the gun onto Khao but Khao had quick reflexes and he had also pulled his gun from the floor by then. They were both pointing their guns at each other. I felt like I was watching an action movie. I never knew a detective could have such fighting skills.

Before the guy could run away, Khao pulled him off the ground and pulled his mask. "John!" Khao shouted. But the guy immediately got away and put another man's head before the gun.

I knew things were about to get messy but then I remembered I had a gun inside the bar as well. I ran to go bring the gun. I returned as quickly as I could and tricked the man to get behind him and put the gun on him.

But before I could do anything, the man had already shot the person in front of him, who was... "Khaotung!" I screamed and quickly shot the man on the leg, rushing to catch Khao who was on the floor due to the pain but still conscious. The bullet went by his stomach. "Khao! Khao! Stay here! Don't fall asleep!'' I tried to keep him aside from sleeping but failed.
The man ran away, avoiding the crowd that was forming around Khao as he was shot in the leg so it was better.

This was a moment I never thought I'd have to witness. Tears fell from my eyes constantly as I screamed out. In a moment, the ambulance arrived which someone in the crowd called. They put him on the stretcher. I felt worthless and helpless seeing my loved one getting shot by trying to save others from the bullet.

To Be Continued.....

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