6. I Can't Live Without You!

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Khaotung's pov:

I woke up in the hospital. I couldn't really remember what happened until I saw First get into the room. Instant flashbacks of last night came into my mind.

"First, are you okay?" I asked, trying to sit up but the lingering pain in my stomach was too much for me to be able to sit up.

"Hey, don't try to sit. Lay down. You just had the surgery yesterday!" First panicked and helped me lay back down.

"And worry about yourself, sir. I am totally fine. You got shot." He added.

"I got shot?" I smiled a little bit but then the pain increased and my smile disappeared as I closed my eyes.

"Why are you smiling? It's not something little! Have you gotten shot before?" First asked when he saw me smile.

"Many times.'' I replied, slightly proud.

"It's not something to be proud of, Khao! You could have died! You need to be more cautious. I am worried!" He started lecturing me as he poured water into a mug in a calm and worried tone.

"Got it, sir." I said and tried to get up again. "Oi..." First came running and grabbed me by my back "why are you getting up? What do you want? Tell me! I'll bring it to you!"

I smiled "Water."

"You're so damn stubborn, you know that?" First asked.

"If I gave up easily, I wouldn't have been a detective today." I replied and he shook his head in response while smiling and mocking me. "Tryna be a hero?" He whispered.

He brought the water and started feeding me with a straw. "Don't ever try to do that again, okay? What if something worse happened?" He said and patted my head.

"Oh, come on! I am not a baby. I can handle at least this much pain. It's my job to sacrifice for others." I replied, slightly laughing.

First looked around shaking his head and then looked into my eyes, "Khao, I'm serious! How will I live if you were gone?"

"Are you that in love with me already?" I raised an eyebrow, still no serious as hell, trying to avoid the topic.

"Khao! How do you think I would live watching my first lover die in front of me? How do you think I'd ever be able to commit to a relationship again?" He replied, pretty much shouting onto me out of worry.

"Trust me, you'll be fine. I saw both my parent's deaths in front of my eyes and here I am." I said as I tried to avoid the topic again. I hated when this was brought up.

"Khao...," He paused. "Are you okay?" First's expression changed as he held my hand.
"You know you can talk to me, right?" He said, concerned.

But I stayed silent. I knew it was better to not talk about it yet because I still didn't know if I could truly trust him. Just when I was about to go back to sleep, my phone rang, it's my secretary Jack. He told me I needed to go to the lab right then.

I started to get up again, making sounds from the pain. "First, my secretary called. I... need to go."
"But your wound hasn't healed yet!" First exclaimed.

"It's okay. It's my job, I have to go!" I said as I tried to stand up but sat back down.

"Then let me help you!" He said as he basically carried me to a wheelchair and sat me down, dragging it to the car. He put me inside the car, folding the chair and putting it inside.

"You don't have to go there! My secretary, Jack will take away!" I claimed.

First tilted his head, "Fine, then. Bye!" He sighed as the driver drove the car away from the hospital to the laboratory.

When arrived at the lab, Jack rushed over, took me to my wheelchair and dragged it inside the lab.

"I got information about the victim, sir!"

"What did you find?"

"That victim is Ping Pattranay Paramayteesiatprakul."

"Paramayteesiatprakul? Sounds familiar! Wait! John has the same surname. How is he related to John?" I said as I moved the scientist away from the computer and told Jack to search about John,
"John Rakusay Paramayteesiatprakul... His cousin! Uncle Nain's son!"

"But what did he do for them to do this to him? Why are we in the lab?"

"The bottle was found in every single murder of this case. Perhaps the murderer is leaving it beside the river on purpose!" Jack exclaimed.

"Did you find anything about the bottle?" I asked the scientist.

"It's a bottle of drug. But the body has no signs of drug overdose."

"How is that possible?" I asked myself.

"Is the murderer trying to fool us by making us think it's a drug overdose?" I added.

"Sir, I think the murderer is trying to trick you!" Jack replied.

"Collect information about all the victims of this case. We need to know who his next target is!" I exclaimed.

"Jack, how is your sister's husband related to this?"

"I don't know, sir."

"Find out about him too."

"Drugs, John, First, 11 murders, John's cousin, Jack's sister's husband." I wrote in my diary.

"Sir?" "Yes?" "John shot you, right? What if he's the murderer?"

"He's not. Whoever the murderer is, is very clever. He wants me to think it's him. But he won't come out that easily."

"What about First, then, sir?"

"I do wonder why First has a gun in his bar. But I am not sure. It could be for self defense"

"I think I should go now! I've had enough." I added and Jack pushed me by the wheelchair back to the car. I went back to the hospital where I saw First waiting for me.

He again pushed the wheelchair back to the hospital room. It's the first time in years when I felt this loved. I never got the love I wanted since my dad died back when I was just 12. Now, I'm 25, I mostly closed myself up after the incident. But I am happy that I opened up this time.

It took me a whole month to recover from my injury and First stayed with me the whole time. I never felt this grateful to anyone apart from my parents in my life.

But the case was going nowhere. That case is the longest it usually takes me. It's been 4 months and I can't find any freaking clue.

To Be Continued.....

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