9. The Truth!

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After Khao left:

First's pov:

Khao just left the house. I sent him off in his daily jacket and hat. I had some work to do so I got on it. I ordered delivery food as I didn't wanna go outside.

After a while, the food arrived. The doorbell rang, I came and opened the door but found my food placed over the doormat.

It was strange. They don't normally do anything like this. I picked the box up and heard a weird sound from inside the house but when I turned around to look, I felt a hand grab me from behind and put a towel on my mouth and nose. Immediate faintness arrived and I don't remember anything after that.

Next thing I knew, my hands and legs were tied up onto a chair with tight rope in a big hall room with no one there. A big, tall, black masked, identical figure came walking to me, laughing, seeing me suffer from the tightness of the ropes. I tried to release myself but the ropes were too tight.

He came forward and grabbed me by my cheeks. "Mr. First. How are you doing?" He asked and started laughing again.

"Let me go, you jerk." I screamed.

"Jerk? That's what you call your phi?" He asked, raising his eyebrows as he slapped my cheeks, unable to control my hands, I screamed in pain.

"The respect I had for you as my phi is gone, bastard." I replied and he slapped me harder. His five fingers mark was clear on my bright face.

"I see! That's why you go against me now." He shook his head jokingly and his expression immediately changed. He smirked, took his belt out and started whipping my body with it. I screamed in pain. But my screams couldn't be heard due to the room being so spacious and abandoned.

After getting hit for some time, I felt like I couldn't take it anymore and lost consciousness.
But this time, when I woke up, I found myself inside my own bar, in the middle of the night with no one beside me except the same black figure standing in one corner and keeping an eye on me.

"Let's see if your lover, Mr. Detective, comes here to save you." He whispered in my ear and then harshly slammed my body against the wall, causing my mouth to bleed.

Hours passed, no one came. Around 3 in the morning, when the figure understood that there won't be any drama and no one would come for me, he got disappointed and let me go on his own.

I was thoroughly surprised as I expected him to keep me tied up for at least till the next day.

I went to the hospital for a treatment as it was near my bar than my rented house.

But to my surprise, I found Khao in the hospital as well, unconscious, getting taken to the emergency room. At the time, I understood nothing, I was confused and worried at the same time. I didn't know what was going on.

Until Khao came back to his senses and told me everything that happened when I was captured by that bastard.

Khao's pov:

I once again ended up in the hospital somehow. I woke up and saw First had come back and he was talking to the doctor. As expected , he was also wearing a patient clothing. In a while, he came to me and asked, "How are you doing? What happened?" He sat on my bed, next to me.

"First, tell me what happened to you? You're okay, right?" I asked, caressing his cheeks which had red marks all over it and his wounds.

"I am sorry, I wasn't there." I added.

"I am okay. I am fine now. What about you? How did this happen?" He asked and pointed to my broken arm.

I slightly laughed. "Well, I was stupid. I was coming to your bar and a car hit my car on purpose." I explained.

His expression got more serious as he fixed his posture. "On purpose? Who do you think it could be?" He asked, concerned, checking if I had any wounds other than the broken arm and little head injury.

"I don't know. Probably the same people who captured you." I replied, my voice dry and tired. "Why does this keep happening to us?" I asked myself and First, looking at the bandaged cut on his head.

"Are you saying we've both been hurt by the same people?" He asked.

After a moment of silent sadness between us, First spoke up, holding my hand, "Khao, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" I asked and sat up.

First gulped. "I- I.." He hesitated.

"I... know the man who captured me."

"Huh? Who is it? How do you know him?" My eyes got wide.

"The guy who captured me is the person who is behind all of this."

"Wh- why didn't you tell me before? Who is he?"

"He..." First gulped again.

"He... is my older brother."

"What?" Khao's expression changed.

"Yes, he is my older brother, Aon."

I couldn't believe what was just said. So First has a brother who's behind all of this and he knew about it all along? Then how can I be sure First isn't involved in this shit as well?

"You knew who it was the whole time and you didn't tell me?" My voice got a bit loud. Yes, I was mad. But let's be honest, in that case, who wouldn't be?

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't think they'd go this far. I never wanted to get you involved in this!" He shouted out, his voice shaky, his hands trembling and breaths becoming heavier.

My hand roamed to his scared face, "First, you have been a witness this whole time? Is there anything else you want to tell me?" I asked, my voice way calmer as I realised he was getting scared. I needed him to tell me the truth.

"My dad's in a coma. He- he says that he'll end dad's life if I told anyone about it."

Another wave of shock roamed inside me. Strands of silence filled the space between us.

But then I grabbed his hand to reassure his and his dad's safety. "First, it's okay. We'll fight this together, right?"


"What about your mom? Is she okay?" I asked.

"She's fine."

"Does she not know about what your brother's doing?"

"She doesn't even know he's still alive."

"You mean?"

"It's complicated." He said, trying to avoid getting into details.

"Thanks for understanding me, Khao. Thank you very much." He added.

"Why did you decide to tell me now?"

"After everything you've done for me, I trust you now, Khao."

To Be Continued.....

Author's note:
The culprit has been founded. Time to jump into the cat and mouse game with the culprit. But before that, heal your body and heart, loves.

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