10. Let's Fight This Together!

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As the wind blew from outside the window, Khaotung and First's conversation continued, clearing every single doubt that was in Khao's mind about the culprit. Khao couldn't believe that he got fooled so easily.

"I'm still a little confused so if the killer is your brother, why did all the DNA test results point to you? And why did you protect your brother?" Khao scratched his head, hoping to get an answer to everything that was left unsolved.

"Then, let me tell you from the very beginning!" First exclaimed and started explaining.

6 months ago

After the big argument with Aon and his mother, Aon had never come back home. He had been lost for more than a year now. His mother and father tried every single way to find him and get him to come back. But they didn't succeed.

Until one day, First was going back home from his late night bar work. The streets were dark. The only lights that could be seen were the street lights. There were no other people on the streets at all aside a few guys chilling, laying back on a few bikes.

First walked past them, noticing them staring into his soul. Once he passed them, two guys among them started following him. At first, he didn't take much out of it. But the fear inside of him eventually rose.

He tried to run away, but the guys didn't leave him alone, they ran after him. He ran faster and hid inside a small, dark path but one of the guys saw him going there and caught him. He went in there and grabbed First's hand.

The guy was wearing a black hoodie. Because of the darkness, his face couldn't be seen. On top of that, the black hoodie absorbing the light, made it even harder for First to notice his face.

"Why are you following me? Let go of me!" First shouted. He swiggled his hand to release it.

They fought with the touch for a while till First pushed him and forced him to get out of the dark path to the street lights. He finally saw his face.

"P'Aon!" He shouted immediately. "Why are you following me? Where have you been?" But Aon had no chill. He smirked and released First's hand, but immediately straddling his neck with his elbow.

"First, You already saw me." Neck was First's weak spot and he knew that. He grabbed First's neck with his big hands, causing him to choke and dragged him back to the dark path.
Once he was there, First's energy to fight was gone. He was begging to let him go but his voice wasn't very audible due to the hands squeezing his vocal chords. Taking advantage of the situation, the guy, Aon immediately put a wet handkerchief on his mouth and made him unconscious.

Before First knew, he found himself in an abandoned hall room.
"First, my brother, How are you doing? Long time no see!" He said and laughed in his evil attitude.

"Now that you know I am alive, don't you dare tell mom about me!" He shouted and grabbed First's hair, pulling it hard. First was fully tied to that same familiar chair. That's when First realised that this room seemed familiar because it's his elementary school's hall room which had been shut down a long time ago. Aon uses that hall room as his get go.

He screamed. "Let me go, phi! Why did you take me here?" Aon didn't answer and just kept laughing. "You got me hooked, little brother." He laughed and walked out, leaving First screaming, "Release me!"

In a while, he came back, grabbing another man there holding a gun by his head with one hand and the other hand pulling the man's hair, making sure he doesn't run away.

He threw the man next to him and pointed the gun at him, "You can't run away!" He grabbed the man's hand and pulled the trigger. The bullet came through the man's chest in the flash of one second. The man immediately fell on the floor.
Aon pulled another bullet through the man's body making sure he was dead. Smoke still coming out of the gun as he stood there mercilessly. Two men wearing black coats and masks were standing next to Aon.
"Clear him up." He ordered and the men started taking the body up from the floor to a bag and cleaning up the blood.

"Mr. First, remember, you saw nothing. If you tell anyone about this, guess who'll be in trouble!" He threatened First as he tickled his chin.

First sat there, traumatized, seeing a person get murdered in front of his eyes, "What will you do, bastard?" He shouted after coming to his senses, trying his best to hold his tears.

"Wow! I went from phi to bastard? If this goes out, you dad will be..." Aon shouted and came near his head and ear, "dead!" He whispered into his ear and made a killing sign with his hand, his thumb crossing front his neck.

One of the man came near him and asked, "where should we put the body, sir?" "Dump it down the mountain nearby!" He shouted so loudly that it echoed in the whole room but First knew that this sound will never go outside the room. "Useless!" He shouted again.

The men were about to leave, carrying the body when Aon Stopped them, "Wait! Take it here!" They followed his order and carried the body to him, he forcefully put First's fingers on the body and took out a few of First's hair and placed them on the body. "Take it back now!" He smirked.

After keeping him captured for a few hours, Aon let First go just before midnight. Feeling threatened by his words, First kept this a secret and since there weren't much bruises on his body, nobody suspected him.

This body was a body that Khao wasn't able to find since it was pushed down a big mountain. So there was 12 murders in total.

This kept on. Every single murder of this case was done right in front of First. The rest of the murders were planned to be done with a pillow so there wouldn't be any type of signs and them being in the river was also planned.

*End of flashback*

"That's what actually happened and it's still going on after 6 months." First replied, his eyes teary.

"How did you manage to keep calm after all of this?" Khao grabbed First's face, caressing his cheek.

But First's eyes stayed glued to Khao's broken arm and injuries. He couldn't brush off the guilt of not only getting himself but also his lover in trouble. "I am really sorry. You had to go through this because of me. I shouldn't have got you stuck in this as well." First apologized , his guilt taking over his whole body as he cried out and slapped himself.

"Why am I such a coward? Why can't I fight against him?" He cried and kept slapping himself making Khao worried. Khao was able to stop him after a few tries and get him into his embrace. "It's okay. It's not your fault. You did this to protect yourself and your family." Khao rubbed his head and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

First digged his head into Khao's chest. Khao moved First's head from his chest and wiped his tears, "Let's fight this together, okay?"

To Be Continued.....

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