11. Mission 101 Begins: Catch The Culprit!

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It's raining cats and dogs outside. The wind was blowing strong. Almost about to form a storm. There's no electricity inside the office. Khao was sitting on his chair with a phone near his ear and his notebook on the desk. First's voice was heard from the other side.

"We need a proper plan to catch him. He's very clever." Khao's voice was determined to catch the culprit. He'd never had a case this hard before and it actually excited him.

"I know. Try to think of something." First replied from the other side of the phone, his voice barely hearable cause of all the thunder noise outside.

Khao sat there in silence, trying to make a plan to catch First's brother red handed. He wrote something in his notebook and got an immediate idea.

"First, do you have any idea of who his next target might be?" Khao asked. He knew if every murder was done right in front of First, he had definitely noticed some similarities between the victims.

"I'm not sure but all the victims name's start with either a J or P and they're all really rich." First replied, causing slight confusion in Khao's mind.

"J or P? What does that have to do with anything? Do you know why he does those things?" Khao asked again, getting closer and closer to finding the actual target.

"I don't know why he does those but mom's name starts with a J." First replied.

Khao squinted his eyebrows, "Why does he hate his mom so much?"

"I have no idea. I just know that they've always been fighting since I was a little kid and he's 11 years older than me." First replied.

"Something is not clicking." Khao kept writing things on his notebook. "First's mom, J or P, really rich, 11 years older." He wrote.



"Doesn't your secretary, Jack's name start with a J and isn't he really rich?" First suddenly asked, making Khao question things.

"Are you saying Jack might be the next target?" Khao asked and gulped. "Hold on." He put First on hold and started calling Jack but no one received the call. He called again and this time, someone received it but all he could hear was screams and loud rain noises.

"Jack? JACK? Are you there? JACK?" He kept calling but got no answer. In a while, the call got cut by the other side. Fear was taking all over Khao's face as he imagined the unexpected.

He got back to First but no words came out of other side as well and the call quickly got cut in seconds. He knew what was about to go down. He packed his things and contacted the police department, preparing himself for the worst.

He went down to his closet and realised the rain had just stopped. He swiftly hid a gun under his shirt as he took the keys and left the apartment. He had collected enough evidence from First to have complained an order against him now so the police were on their way as Aon was a big wanted criminal.

Once Khao arrived at the hall room First mentioned, he knew exactly what to do. He held back the police officers he brought with him and they trusted him that as a well-known detective, he knew what to do.

He went in silently and got shocked when he found not 2 but 4 people tied to the chair. First, Jack and... John. But John isn't rich so why was he there? His mind went black as he saw John, begging for forgiveness from Aon. But it wasn't the time to head back.

Khao went forward, hiding away, took out the gun he hid and pointed it directly to Aon's forehead while signalling the police officers to come in.

"Hands up, Mr. Aon. You've been caught." From the side of Khao's eyes, he saw a smirk form on First's face as Aon put his weapons down and brought his hands up. "You're under arrest for taking innocent people's lives away from them." His face was full of anger and betrayal as he surrendered himself to the department.

The police officers came forward and put him on handcuffs, taking him out while Khao released First and Jack but not John. Before the police officers could take Aon out, Khao went over and whispered to them about John and one of them immediately yelled, "Mr. John, you're under arrest for robbery and attempted murder."

John shouted, "What evidence do you have? I'm not going to jail!"

"We've all the evidence we need to arrest you, Mr. John. Please see yourself behind the bars." The police officer replied while untying his hand and putting handcuffs on.

Khao went on to First, "Are you okay?"

"I am but..." Khao knew what he was about to say. No matter how evil and bad Aon was, in the end, it's still his brother.

"It's okay. He deserves it." Khao replied, caressing his hair gently when he heard a scream come from Aon's mouth from outside as he was getting arrested, "FUCKKK". Khao smiled, hearing that.

"This is finally over." First said and Khao replied with a nod.

Khaotung took a deep breath, "Come on. Let's go back." Khao took First's hand and walked him to his car.

They went back to Khao's office and stayed there this time. But they didn't know why Aon actually did those things.

The day after, they went to see Aon in the jail as First requested to at least once see his brother. First and Aon actually had a great relationship when they were younger even though Aon didn't quite get along with his parents.
According to First, Aon was never like this and he still couldn't believe that his older brother, Phi Aon, which he loved, didn't think twice to hurt him like this.

They went to the police station to talk to Aon and found him smiling like an idiot after seeing them. "You've come to see me, my brother?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

Hearing that, First looked at him with so much anger and wanted to slap Aon hard but he couldn't do that. "You're smiling? Do you still have no shame after getting in jail?" He asked with a look of disgust and Aon just smiled as an answer.

"Seriously, why did you do all this? Where's the brother I had? I miss the old you, phi. I really do." First again asked.

"I did what I did and I don't regret a single thing I did." Aon replied while turning away from the opening.

"You really are selfish." Khao replied.

"One day, you'll realise that the people who you call innocent people were never good people in the first place." Aon answered and walked back into the jail, trying to shoo them away with his hands. "Good luck, you two." He sat on the small bed or you can call a bench and disappeared from their sight into one corner.

They went back to their own places. First's blood was boiling from his brother's behaviour but he couldn't do anything since he was already in jail. He commited 12 murders and in the end, all he got was jail. Even Khao didn't find it fair.

Aon's talks had Khao questioning everything and even the law. Even though the case had been closed and Aon was already in jail, Khao knew there was more to it than they were let know of and the case hadn't ended yet.

To Be Continued.....

Author's note:
So the culprit has been caught but there's still more to the story. Why did he do all those? Why does he not regret anything? Why was John kidnapped? What does names that start with J or P have anything to do with this? Stay tuned to find out.

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