Part 1- Tack and Y/N the Cobblers meet The Thief

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(set in the recobbled cut version, which is my favorite version)

Two hands appeared on screen. Then a guy's deep voice could be heard saying...

"Blah blah blah, something about the 3 Golden Balls that protected the ancient Golden City. Long ago, the ancients prophesized that if the 3 Golden Balls were ever taken from their place upon the tallest minaret, then the kingdom would come to destruction and death. But, the ancients had also prophesized that two simple souls would save the city with the simplest of things.

In the city, there dwelt two lowly shoemakers. They were siblings. One of them was known as Tack the Cobbler."

Tack was sleeping, peacefully cobbling in his sleep. Birds crowed in the background. Right beside him slept a girl who looked to be about a year or two younger than him. She was much darker and had long black hair that poked through her worn hat. She wore a similar outfit to her brother, only that it was a dress rather than pants.

"And the other was known as Y/N the Cobbler."

"Mmm... shoes..." Y/N said in her sleep.

"Also in the city... existed a thief. Who shall... remain... nameless."

The Thief looked furtively around the corner, stole a few things, then saw a harmless old lady with... was that gold??? He approached the old woman and saw- it was only bananas! The old woman then proceeded to beat the crap out of him, leaving the Thief in knots- literally.

Thief then proceeded to enter the cobbler shop. Maybe there was some money that these two... woah! That girl was hot!

Thief felt a blush spread across his cheeks. The pale cobbler was sleeping peacefully, turning and making no noise. The girl, the darker one, however, was muttering something about shoes.

She was rather pretty...

No! Money, remember! MONEY!

Thief started looking in Tack's pockets. Nothing. Just a few flies.

Suddenly, music started to play. Tack grabbed a hammer in his slumber and knocked Thief right on his cap. 

Thief gasped as the girl cobbler wrapped her arms around him while Tack started to stitch his robe up. He was trapped in Tack's arms!

"Have no fear! Have no fear! Zigzag the Grand Vizier is here! Have no fear, have no fear! Zigzag the Grand Vizier is here!"

A grand parade was being thrown as Zigzag, King Nod's Grand Vizier, made his way through the city, his servants and friends following and praising him.

Thief had to get out of here! He couldn't spend the rest of his life tied to this stupid college-aged cobbler and his hot younger sister... 

Finally he tried to pull himself up, but was met face to face with Tack. Both of their eyes widened in surprise. Thief turned and found his nose colliding with the girl cobbler, Y/N. 

"Who are you???" Y/N asked. She blushed. This little goblin-like dude with a big brown robe was actually kinda cute.

Thief tried to hide his flushed face and moved away, only to make all three of them roll in circles until they were outside of the cobbler shop. They all landed in a heap and tacks and other supplies went rolling on the ground.

Zigzag was parading along, when his foot stepped upon the tack. He yelped and screamed in pain as Tack, Y/N, and Thief hobbled over to see what was the matter.

"Seize them!" Zigzag shouted, pointing right at Tack and Y/N as Thief managed to free himself and run away, "take them!"

"Take them and seize them! Take them and seize them!"

"Take them into the palace gates!"

Guards surrounded the two cobblers and swords surrounded them.

"Oh no..." Y/N said, "that darn Thief..."

But he was kinda hot.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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The Thief and the Cobbler- Thief x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now