Chapter 1

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Author's Note: The normal parts of this story are actually completely true from when I was in 8th Grade, adding the dragon and all the magical events was actually part of a dream I had and kept adding off of when I was younger and I kept thinking "How cool would it be if this actually happened..." 

I was up until 3:00 writing and editing this, I better get some readers! I worked pretty hard on this!

The moon shone brightly in the sky, its light illuminating everything in its path. It was brighter than it usually was, that was strange. A large spiky pale egg came into light. It should surely have died on that cold autumn night with nothing to warm it but it didn’t. It froze. It just froze. The youngling inside it survived. It not only survived but it flourished inside the frozen egg. Slowly, slowly, getting bigger.


My name is Julie, I'm 13, 14 in April. Your perfect normal nerd. I have a little brother named Emile he's 10 and probably the most annoying yet cool little brother of all time. I know my parents favor him though, that kind of hurts, no matter what Emile says, everybody believes him. That would make my life bad enough but this year I stopped doing my homework I don't know why it just happened, must have been a stage or something, I'm really trying to get back into doing it but it just doesn't work. I think I'm going to get held back or I'm going to be forced to go to summer school, neither is a good option for me. Earlier in the year to make things worse my best friend since Kindergarten, Carly, completely abandoned me, left me for Tory some other girl she's known for a year. That stung but it gave me a chance to make my great new friend, Kat, Georgia, Nikki and Tammy. That had made things better but it still hadn't made things perfect.

Oh and did I mention Jerome? I'd been good friends with him since the beginning of the year and it had always been so easy to talk to him about things, like videogames. I mean it was sort of cool not many guys would want to talk to girls about videogames. Most boys would feel totally awkward talking to a girl about videogames, that's why Jerome was awesome. Of course now I had grown to like him as more than a friend and Kat had gotten the wonderful idea to "help out" only problem was her idea of helping out was walking up to Jerome and mentioning I liked him. I had to explain it to him subtlely and carefully making a big deal about Kat being a complete idiot and perhaps we should lock her in a closet to make her shut up. Then of course Jerome said the nicest sentence he probably could to break my heart.

"Thank god, I only like you as a friend" 

Thanks a lot Kat.

And add that to the pressures of High School being next year in 2 simple words to sum up my life at the moment:

It sucks.

I was sitting home alone on a Friday night,  I babysat Emile until my parents got home around 5:00 so of course after a long day of trying to contain his pranks and simple insaneness I didn't really go out so my parents brought Emile to Friendly's. That gave me some time to relax (thank god), I sat at my computer chatting on Facebook with Georgia. I laughed a little bit, she kept sending me links to awesome anime videos that I barely had time to watch between talking to her. 

Want 2 just vidchat? I ask

Sure ^_^ Georgia replies

We set up the video chat and started talking for a long time. About school and homework and other stuff like that. Georgia was that friend who you could tell anything to and you wouldn't really have to worry. Nikki who had been Georgia's best friend for like 2 years though often judged her a bit too harshly often turning into a bully. But hey they were both my friends so I wasn’t going to turn into Judge Julie or anything.

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