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At Veylan University, known for its engineering excellence, five notorious friends dubbed "The Devils" lounged beneath a cherry blossom tree. Liam, reclining in Axel's lap, grumbled about the boredom in the air.

Axel snapped, losing his patience, "Come on, Liam. Get up! Remove your big ass head from my lap now,It's not a fucking pillow bitch!"

Liam, still draped over Axel, dramatically moaned, "Not until this awful boredom disappears."

Marshall, always stirring trouble, suggested,
"Hey, how about we replay the game we enjoyed last year?"

Aaron , annoyed, retorted, "You mean hurting people?"As they pondered their options, mischief danced in their eyes, hinting at the chaos to come.

"I'm not up for it, this is ridiculous. " Aaron yelled, pleading to be pulled out of the game.

"I've had enough of the last one."

"Come on, Aaron, don't act like a kid," Liam retorted, his smirk mirrored by Marshall and Axel. "This isn't new to us."

"You're no fun, Aaron," Axel remarked, rolling his eyes.

"What about you, Gabriel?" Liam mocked.
"Our dearest devil with an angel's name."

"It wasn't fun last year; there wasn't enough bloodshed," Gabriel smirked, his usual demeanor unchanged. The others agreed.

"How about this time we make it more exciting?" Marshall suggested.

"So, Aaron, are you up for it?" Liam inquired, but Aaron, uninterested, declared he was leaving, earning reactions ranging from disappointment to amusement from the others.

"No matter how far you go, you'll come back to us, you know that, right, Aaron?" Gabriel stated casually, arms stretched, not bothering to look at him.

Aaron paused briefly but continued walking away. Liam then revealed a handful of scrunchies, prompting annoyance from Axel.

"What's the game?" Marshall asked impatiently.

"Be patient bro ," Liam said, beginning to explain the game. And so, the plot thickened as they delved into their mischievous plans.

"Here are the scrunchies I've gathered from the women I've slept with. Aren't they adorable?" Liam exclaimed excitedly, displaying them with enthusiasm.

Axel, unimpressed, remarked, "Those scrunchies are cute; you, however, are not and if you don't hurry up, I'll have to follow in Aaron's footsteps," rolling his eyes, which elicited chuckles from Marshall and Liam.

"Okay, bitch, chill !!" liam interjected. "So, these are different colours, right? Each of us picks one, and since it's the welcome fest for the first years, they'll surely be all coloured up, poor little bright things! "

Liam grinned mischievously, "It's all perfectly clear, isn't it? Therefore, the colour you choose will be yours for the entire delightful final year of college."

Before you pick, put on a mask; let the universe pick your 'precious toy' !" His suggestion brought further psychotic chuckles from Marshall and Axel, As Gabriel contemplated whether it would be the same old dull game or if this one might actually be entertaining.

Before you pick, put on a mask; let the universe pick your 'precious toy' !" His suggestion brought further psychotic chuckles from Marshall and Axel, As Gabriel contemplated whether it would be the same old dull game or if this one might actually...

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As they mulled over the game's implications, the excitement and tension in the air mounted, setting the stage for another year of their infamous antics at Veylan University.


All five of them smirked at her, observing the sweat trickling down from her forehead to her neck. Their eyes gleamed with amusement as they exchanged knowing glances, reveling in her discomfort. She felt their gazes like daggers, each one piercing through her with mocking superiority. It was as if they were predators, toying with their prey, reveling in her discomfort like a twisted game.

With a chilling whisper, liam declared,
"She is your toy Gabriel , so the choice is yours."

The words hung heavy in the air, sending a shiver down her spine. Cyra's heart pounded against her chest as she struggled to keep her composure, her eyes betraying the fear swirling within her.

A single tear threatened to escape, mirroring the torment of her captive soul.As the tension in the room thickened, Cyra's senses heightened. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of fabric, sent shivers down her spine.

She knew she was outnumbered, trapped in a den of maniacs who derived pleasure from her fear.
With each passing moment, the air grew heavier, suffused with a palpable sense of danger. Cyra's instincts screamed at her to flee, but she remained rooted to the spot, paralyzed by the menacing atmosphere.

In that moment, she realized she was not just facing five individuals, but a collective force of darkness. And as their smirks deepened and their gazes turned predatory, She knew she was in for a nightmarish ordeal unlike any other.

Each gaze felt like a dagger aimed at her soul, mocking her every move with cruel superiority.

With every passing moment, the air grew heavier, suffocating her with a sense of impending dread. She knew she had to find a way out, but the room seemed to constrict around her, imprisoning her within its walls.

As fear coiled around her like a serpent, Cyra's heart raced with adrenaline, her mind racing for an escape plan before it was too late.

Each of them harbored secrets so profound they rivaled the depths of the Earth's core.

There was much to repent, many wrongs to right, before they could embark on a journey towards redemption.

In the wake of their wrongdoings lies the glimmer of hope for a brighter tomorrow, yet they must first confront the shadows within themselves. Only by doing so can they ultimately discover redemption and peace.

" Lunatic's Obsession"{Tale of the five maniac's}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora