Part 1: The First Hello

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Disclaimer:Trigger warnings for whole story are in description.

From Xavier's perspective: *I am so boredd* I think to myself walking down the hallway of my school, trying to find something to do, or say. I walk down and see a beautiful new girl, she has brown lushious hair, pretty glasses, A blue coat, rosy lips and shes just perfect, I wanted to talk to her but I ended up staring for too long and the bell rang for my next class. I sat in class thinking about that girl, I dont even know her name! This girl is making me crazy, but Im not complaining! After class I tried to find her again I found her in the hallway and thought I'd strike up a conversation. "Hey! I'm Xavier, you are?" She looked at me with her precious green eyes. "I'm Mia" I stared at her unconciously ubtil she waved at me nervously and said "Hello? Are you still alive?" "Oh yea! I started uh- uh daydreaming, yes.. daydreaming." She looked at me strangley then laughed, Her laugh was so precious, I laughed nervously. "Hey wanna hangout sometime? You seem really cool to be around!" I of course said yes and asked for her number so I know what time to go at. I smiled at her as she smiled back and went to her next class, which also happened to be my next class.

From Mia's Persepective: I nervously walk doen the halls of the school and come across some other girls, sitting down askibg me to join  them,  they told me about the school, where to go and cool places around the school I should know about! They were really cool and we got eachothers snapchats they were really nice! Then this boy walks by and stares at us- well not directly 'Us' it was more me? I was super confused then the bell rang and I ran to my next class. I was confused the whole time about that, but he seemed like a nice guy! After class I ran to my locker and the guy came up to me. "Hey! I'm Xavier, you are?" I answeared with my name obviously ,"I'm Mia." I looked at him, he stared at me again..? It was strange I waved at him  and jokingly asked if he was alive. "Oh yea I was uh-uh.. daydreaming! Yes.. daydreaming." The bell rang and we ran to our classes, apparently we had the same class that time?!

Xavier's perspective:
In class I look over to the desk beside mine and I see there sits Mia, amazing seating plan honestly. It's amazing I get to look at that evey time I sit down in that class. I think I may be falling in love? *No that can't be right* I think to myself. I wave over at her and ask what we were doing because, I obviously wasn't paying attention. "We have to write a poem about our feelings right now, but you can always ask me for ideas" she winked jokingly and quietly laughed. "Be quiet Mia!, and you, Xavier dont get me started." I started writing "The sky is blue, the wind is mighty, I have a feeling, you might have to fight with me. Im feeling good, but its so weird. Im feeling love, but I can't feel it inside me. Its making me crazy, its making me mad, its making me happy, its making me sad." *this is so bad I hate it so muchh* I hate it so much, why cant I write something good for once! Im so mad at myself I swear to go- Mia looked at me she laughed "You cant get it to work can you not-" I laughed a little bit, the bell rang and we got to go home,  I walked home thinking about the poem, listening to it and how bad it was written. I thought about how the girl wanted to be friends, and how we were making a bond with eachother. I loved  her so much from the day I saw her, Which was today but who cares. I love the girl so much. I finally got home and got onto my computer and started studying, because I had to. After studying I went righr into doing some stuff on the internet. I honestly got more tired than I thought I'd get. I went to sleep.

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