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In sepia tones, they danced, they spun,
Silent reels, old tales, now long done.
The silver screen, a canvas vast,
Where dreams were born, and legends cast.

Fred and Ginger, with grace untold,
Their feet, a story, in dance unfold.
Chaplin's antics, a comic art,
His tramp, a beat, in every heart.

In shadows cast, the golden age,
Where stars were born on history's stage.
Their lives, a blend of light and shade,
In sepia tones, their stories fade.

But behind the scenes, a vibrant hue,
Their passions burn, their dreams pursue.
Not just the screen, but lives aflame,
In technicolor, they played the game.

For though we see in shades of old,
Their lives were painted, stories bold.
In every laugh, in every tear,
A rainbow's arc, through time and year.

So let us dance in sepia's glow,
But know the truth, the tales we sow.
For history's reel, though aged and worn,
In living color, its heart is born.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 20 ⏰

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DANCING IN SEPIA TONE - Poem. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora