Chapter 1

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Papyrus was a Very tall skeleton who lives with his brother Sans who now owns a little puppy named Keia. Papyrus did not like this idea because dogs make a big mess around houses. Luckily, Keia hasn't done that ever since she moved in. Another thing that troubles him is that Keia is Sans' Girlfriend and Paps doesn't get as much recognition as Sans does. He wished he could but he didn't have a girlfriend that could root for him, warm him up in bed or even give him something that he wants, Love. Sure, Sans and Keia love him and Sans is his brother but sometimes Sans gets on Pap's nerves because of his terrible puns. On this particular day. Papyrus was sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper. Sans and Keia were taking turns chasing each other across the living room. Right now, it was Keia's turn and she was giggling at the top of her lungs while chasing her boyfriend. Papyrus turned the page of his newspaper but suddenly he heard a giant THUD! He turned around on the couch to see Keia on top of Sans. Keia had hurled Sans to the ground. But Sans was smiling and laughing. "Why did Keia hurl you to the ground?" asked Papyrus, "Was she angry at you." "No! Of course not!" said Keia ,"We were just playing 'Puppy Pounce'." "Yeah" said Sans. "It's fun when you're hurled to the ground because that's the point of the game." "Oh." said Papyrus, suddenly frowning. Sans became confused. "What's the matter, bro?" he asked. "I'm feeling sort of jealous." said Pap, "You have a girlfriend and I don't" "Don't worry." said Keia. "You'll find one soon." "But i don't want just an ordinary girlfriend." said Papyrus, "I want one that is kind, helpful, crazy and has soft fur just like you" "Are you saying you want a DOG for a girlfriend?!" asked Sans, shocked at the idea of his brother actually liking dogs for a change. "Yes..." said Paps slowly but surely. "I have an idea," said Keia. "Why don't you take a walk in the snowy woods, You might find a special someone." "You know what? You're right" said Papyrus. "I'll go walk in the woods." and he got his mittens and snow cap on, opened the door and went off on his walk. Sans and Keia continued their game of Puppy Pounce.

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