Strike Witches: The Merge

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Kansas City Area, 2015

It was a sunny but soggy day. The evening before, a thunderstorm flew through the area.

On the Missouri River, was an Island and a Fortress. A beautiful, Red headed woman

awoke. " * groans * My head. Last I remember, the storm, lightening, and the strike ..."

She hears another groan, and realizes, it was her second-in-command and friend,

Mio Sakamoto. Like all the girls who inhabit the fortress, they wear no skirts or pants.

The German military dressed woman, help her Japanese counterpart on her feet.

" Mio, are you O.k.?", she asked. " I'm fine, Minna. Let's, try to wake the others.", Mio

replied. After, waking the others, and a threat of an ocean dunking to Hartmann, they

were all together in the lounge. " Sanya!", shouted Elia, to check on her friend.

" Since, we are now officially awake. Can someone tell me, what happened?", asked

Minna. " Commander, is the question, where we are? I don't recall, Dover having

factories so close, to the water's edge.", Yoshika said. " What are you, babbling about?",

Perinne Clostermann asked. " Look out the window.", Yoshika said. Through the

spacious windows, was factories, billowing smoke from their stacks. " Miyafuji was right.

Where are we?", asked Perinne. " Maybe, there's a news report!", said Francesca, running

to the radio. She switched it on, and suddenly, " Llllaaaayyyyllllaaa! * guitar riff *

Llllaaayyyyllllaaaa!" " WHAT IS THAT HIDEOUS NOISE?!", shouted Perinne.

" LUCHINNI, SHUT IT OFF, THAT'S A DIRECT ORDER!", shouted Minna. After, turning it

off, Francesca asked, " What the heck was that?" " Were you trying, to make us deaf?",

asked an upset Perinne. " Enough!, We need to make sure, the base is still operational!

Shirley, take Perinne, Lynette, and Francesca, and check the water and electricity.",

said Minna. " On it.", replied the Liberion Red head. " Miyafuji, you and Major Sakamoto,

take stock of our food and medical supplies.", ordered Minna. " Hai!", said the two

Japanese Officers. " Gertrud., You, me, and Hartmann, check our ammo stores.", Minna

said. Then, they walked out of the Lounge.

Minna, was at her desk, reading over the reports. " Our generators seem to work fine.

And, we have running water, so bathing is not an issue. But, I don't trust it for, cooking

or drinking.", said Shirley. " What about our food, Miyafuji?", asked Minna.

" Major Sakamoto and I took inventory of all food and medicines. We have enough for

two or two and a half months.", Yoshika replied. " Let's tell the others.", Minna said.

In the Briefing Room, Minna stood next to Major Sakamoto. " As you may know,

we are in unknown territory. We have food and medical supplies, for two or maybe

two and a half months. Also, our water is safe for bathing, but we need and alternate

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