4. Eye&A

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I feel so nostalgic for the old Wattpad days of short, stupid chapters. There's no story today. Just headcanons.


Monolid eyes was my first thought since Japanese reference. His face was half-burnt and he is missing his right eye. I believe his eye colour is black, but there was once he said they glinted green which could be due to magic stuff. He was canonically red-green colourblind prior to getting a new set of eyes from a witch. I think he had green cone deficiency. But also, it was funny when he thought blue and purple looked exactly the same.


I was made aware that he has grey eyes but sometimes there's glimpses of other colours like a burning flame and f*ck yes, that's badass. I am imagining that he would have sunken, almond eyes. I personally believe he has learnt to differentiate reds because of his culture surrounding the Crimson.


APPARENTLY HE HAS AN EYE PATCH! Anyway, black sclera, white iris. Almond eyes. Dude, I'm still not over the eye patch. I know it's been months since I last saw the reference pic but holy sh*t.


So Crest's eyes are actually a shade of purple but may appear bluish in certain lighting. It's upturned and maybe hooded. White eyeliner makes wave-like patterns around her eyes. Due to a strange situation, at this point it might be part of her skin now. She can very easily tell apart shades of blue, but when she gets a fever, she goes nightblind. This is due to the eye mutation that allows her to see perfectly underwater.


Black is her real eye colour but due to the pact with her patron Laufey, her left eye is turned blue. There's also glowing runes on her iris. Permanent drooping eyes making her look bored or tired all the time. Heavy black eyeshadow. It's much rounder than you would expect. I think she's good at telling greys apart from one another.


Big golden eyes. Probably sit relatively low on his face. They appear soft most of the time. He is super distracted by anything with the same colour as him. Probably had not learnt that not everything that glitters is gold (or food).


Never actually got to see it so this is all speculation. I think he has hazel eyes. Maybe protruding shape? I don't do well with this much freedom of interpretation. His expression is probably brighter than the rest of the party.

I will add the actual art I have for this another day. They're currently all just sketches. I gotta actually sleep now. Goodnight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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