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"Hey spider, we need you at Stark Tower asap," someone says over the phone.
"Um I'm at school" Peter responds
"Did I say I cared"
"No, uh my lunch break starts in 15 minutes"
"Fine be here in 20"
"Ok see you then"
*the person on the other end of the call hangs up*
"Ugh fury, why does he call me during school" Peter asks himself.
"Hey, Peter" someone calls from behind him.
"Hey ned I have to get to class"
"Ok, can we hang after school?"
"I have the Stark internship"
"Maybe, bye"
"Finally, come with me," Fury says as Peter arrives
"Ok, but uh can I talk to Mr Stark after"
They both walk down the hallway and into a small room with a sleeping child in it.
"Ok now I'm confused"
"I need you to babysit for a couple of days"
"Um, who's child is she,"
"Her parents are not from this earth," Someone says from behind.
Peter's pov
I turn around to see who it is
"She is a different Peter Parker's kid"
"I'm from another planet and on that planet there is another you"
"Wait so the multiverse is real, that's so cool"
Then the kid calls "Daddy, Daddy," as she wakes up then runs and hugs my leg tightly.
"That is why we called you, none of us can calm her down at all"
"Hey, kid it's ok," I say as I bend down to pick her up. "What is her name?"
"Dahlia Parker," Fury says
"MJ's favorite flower," I mumble
"Daddy, I want some ice cream," Dahlia says happily.
"Ok, we can go get some later," I say.
"So you are agreeing to take her for a bit?"
"Yeah, sure," I say, then Fury starts to walk away.
"Oh yeah before I forget, she's got powers," Fury says then he leaves.
"What kind of powers" I ask but get no response. They probably are the same or similar to mine.
"Come on kid let's go get that ice cream"
"Ok, Daddy"
"Hey, mj do you want to hang out at the park," I say over the phone.
"Sure, when"
"Right, now"
"K, I'll be there in 5 minutes,"
"K, see you"
"Hey Peter" MJ says
"Hey," I say
"Hi, Mommy" Dahlia says and hugs MJ then I receive a very confused look from MJ
"Dahlia, go play please," I ask
"Ok, Daddy," she says as she hugs me then runs off.
"Um who's the kid," MJ asks
"The multiverse is real and on another earth my doppelganger has her but she somehow got teleported here and I'm the only person she will listen to, and, and,"
"Someone has had a very interesting day"
"Yep," I say, then kiss her and she smiles. Then I look over at Dahlia and notice she has climbed up the side of a building
"I guess she has the same powers as you,"
"Yep, I should go get her before someone sees her."
"I think it's too late for that," she says as a crowd gathers around her. Then I put on my spider suit and climb up to her
"get on my back," I tell Dahlia
"I'm stuck it feels like my fingers are glued to it"
"I'm gonna climb around you so if you fall you will fall on me" Then I move so she is pretty much sitting on my lap, "now relax"
"Ok" Then she falls on me and I push her so she is on my back then I give her my extra mask and climb down. Then get surrounded by people and someone asks "Is she your daughter" Then I freeze up
"Stop asking Daddy too many questions" Dahlia yells making the crowd quiet down a bit.
"I will answer 3 questions," I say then I pick someone who asks "Who is the kid"
"She is my daughter... um next question"
"Is her mom another hero from the Avengers team,"
"No, next question,"
"Do you have any other kids?"
"No, just one, and that's three questions bye," I say then grab Dahlia and climb back up the building we both go to my house and after a but then I get her to fall asleep in my room then I watch a movie on the couch till I also fall asleep.

Spidermans kidWhere stories live. Discover now