document 1.

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Gnarpy has been acting weird lately. Whats up with xem?

They've been treating staff better than before, this isn't like head-scientist gnarpy, not one bit. This is getting fishy, I don't believe in this kind act of xeir's but i'll let it slide. So today, I asked a question. it was quite simple

" why have you been acting kinder towards us lately? " I smile, questioning the sudden kindness. Xey turn away and push me to the floor, how rude! I keep pestering xem until they budge.

" There'z juzt zomething.. Bugging me, and it'z not the fact that we haven't murdered any of the lab ratz.. " Gnarpy hisses. I was offended! How could we kill such.. kind, NPCS? Aside from Bive, she bit my arm last night. I kept annoying xem, until they walked into xyr office. So I stepped back and looked around, since I wasn't allowed in xeir office. I found a document. 

Childhood memories? Thats weird, maybe it has information about the discomfort boss is feeling! I open the document.. Notes and pictures everywhere. I find one the most interesting

its so cute! But who's Bubblegum? Are they a friend of boss? I'll have to ask something to xem later, but now

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its so cute! But who's Bubblegum? Are they a friend of boss? I'll have to ask something to xem later, but now. More snooping.. Oh! Co-worker Popsicle! They knew Gnarpy as a kid too! I have to ask them a question!!

' Popsicle! ' I shout, startling the purple gnarpian. | ' Oh, er.. Hey [REDACTED].. What are you doing here? ' | I explain the situation. | ' Ah, alright. About.. Bubblegum, right? She waz a good friend back then, zo was Gnarp-gnarp. Zuper zilly kids.. But. Now, it'z been a while zince we've zeen her. zince.. 2009? Maybe? ' I sweat, being a 2009 child. I back up 

' Wow wow! Sooooo cool! gotta go!! ' she leaves, running quite fastly 

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