chapter 1- First night free

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It was a rainy afternoon when Governor Diane Foxintong was in the office room alone. The weather was good and the atmosphere warm and pleasant. She was reviewing and signing paperwork for a meeting she had chaired that morning when her cell phone vibrated.

"Hi Diane, I just wanted to thank you once again on behalf of myself and the entire team for all your support throughout this whole story, your help, and of course your affection for us and we wanted you to come tonight to hang out with us , if you can of course, let's meet at a cafe near the restaurant area. It won't be anything fancy, just to enjoy the beginning of our good life with the woman who made this possible."

Diane was happy with the team's gratitude and thought it would be a good idea to spend the night with her new friends.

"Hi Wolf, I'm happy with your gratitude and I'd love to meet you, tell me what time I'll be there, kisses..."
Diane wanted to be more daring with Wolf and went back to work looking forward to the night to come.

Wolf was at home with his friends, Snake was watching the food channel, Shark and Piranha were playing board and Webs was chatting with virtual friends on his cell phone. Wolf was sitting at the table when he received Diane's message. "Ugh, kisses?" He said to himself in a low voice, liking Diane's cute and daring way that always enchanted him. He sent the location and time and went to his room to get ready.

There was something about Diane that made him want to dress better, present himself better to others and this only complemented his vanity in maintaining his beautiful and charming appearance. He had a reciprocal crush on Diane which was no secret to the team so he thought that if he was one day to be the boyfriend of the famous and beautiful Diane Foxintong, he should be as handsome as possible.

Night arrived when the reformed criminals were already in the cafeteria talking and laughing. Wolf was participating but inside he was anxious for the fox that was about to arrive and his eyes were discreetly focused on the doors of the establishment revealing the muse of his dreams.

“What do you mean I like the air??” Shark points out intrigued.
"It's better not to go into that subject. Last time I talked about it, Wolf here made fun of me.
"Nothing, I just tried to take advantage of your abilities because-"

Wolf stopped talking when Diane entered and approached. She wore a basic but elegant and sexy black dress that was tight and had a nice neckline that wasn't too flashy.

"Hi everyone, Diane greets you" as everyone greets her happily.
"I'm glad Diane came! It's great to have another girl in the group to put up with the guys" Webs says.
"I came to have fun with you on this pleasant evening.

Diane sat next to Wolf who was calm but inside he was dying with the sweet and soft scent of Diane that he loved and the sexy but delicate appearance of Diane next to him.

"Hello Madam Governor, what a pleasure to have you here tonight."
"Governor for the formal, for the intimate only Diane" Diane says blushing slightly.

The waiter arrived when everyone had placed their order and returned to the conversation.
"So Diane, are they bothering you a lot about us?" Snake asks knowing that all of Diane's support for the crew has brought her trouble as governor of the state.
"A little, but I know how to control it."

"If you want, I can teach these idiots a lesson myself, I'll call the other guys I know and we'll give them a light beating and they'll leave you alone and won't know who we are" Piranha suggests angrily.

"Don't worry, violence wouldn't solve the ignorance of these people" Diane responds.
"For now you forget all these unfortunates and have fun with us" Wolf says looking at Diane and smiling when she smiled back mischievously.

The night was pleasant, everyone ate, laughed, and Wolf and Diane flirted all the time.

"Well, it's late, I have to go home. Tomorrow I'll have another long day of work." Diane says getting up "Here, that covers my share and then some" She says putting money on the table

"Oh no Diane, we invited you here today to thank you for everything, you don't have to spend a single cent.
"No, no, you are already being wonderful friends, you can leave it, see you later." Diane says walking away when Wolf follows her and the gang looks at them.

Diane was already outside when Wolf arrived at her side.

"It's such a nice air out here." Wolf says from behind her near her neck.
"Diane felt a good feeling with his voice so close and turned around.
"You're right, I would even spend more time here if I weren't busy tomorrow.

"Diane, I want to thank you personally now talking just about me for everything, you supported me when I was alone, showed me your hiding place, trusted and invested in me, defended me with teeth and claws and you are a wonderful friend" Wolf says looking in her eyes.

Diane felt a warm feeling in her heart at the way he looked at her and the words that reached her with affection.

"You're welcome Little Wolf, I did it with great pleasure and I firmly believe in you from the beginning and I know that you have a lot of potential and can go far.

The two looked at each other for a while when Diane was about to get into her car when she warned.
"Ah Wolf, if you want to come by my house tomorrow night as I'll be free from work, feel free" she said, trying to sound like a friendly invitation but deep down she had ulterior motives.

Wolf knew she had other plans but decided to play along.

"What for?" Wolf says wanting to hear what she was going to say.
So we can get to know each other better and maybe, in the future, find you a job that takes advantage of your gifts"

Wolf was surprised and accepted when Diane opened the car door and blew Wolf a kiss.

"See you later Wolf"

"See you more beautiful Diane" He smiles and watches her leave.

It's the first time I've written something in my life and in a language I don't even speak, so calm down.

O amor tem dessas (e é melhor assim -

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