¿What if the MCU had all the film rights from the beginning? Phase One

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¿What if events completely changed in real life? ¿What if the MCU had all the film rights from the beginning? Today I'm going to be showing you a new version of a alternate universe where Marvel Studios never went into bankruptcy and had all the film rights to their characters since the 90s. In this alternate universe I the Watcher will be the producer of Marvel Studios instead of Kevin Feige. ¿How will it go? Well then, without wasting anymore time sit back and relax and enjoy this new dream project.

It's the year 1999 and after meeting with various executives Marvel decides to officially create a shared universe with all of their characters coexisting in one world and they would hire me the Watcher instead of Kevin Feige as the producer of Marvel Studios due to my vast knowledge of the Marvel Universe in the comics. So, as their first project on August 20 of that year Marvel releases...

Directed by Stephen Norrington and with Wesley Snipes as the vampire hunter while the movie stays exactly the same with no changes and without a reference to a shared universe. By the way for this version of the MCU I'm going to have just one actor portray a Marvel character in each film especially have one actor in the title role and that's it.

Set to be released on July 14, 2000 directed by Bryan Singer. The first X-Men film in the series would remain the same as Bryan Singer's X-Men film from that same year but the difference is that Rogue who would still be played by Anna Paquin would just be replaced with Kitty Pryde. Beast still played by Kelsey Grammar would testify before Congress instead of Jean Gray who would still be played by Famke Janssen in the beginning of the film because it would make more sense for someone who physically appears as a mutant to testify before Congress to be honest. Jean's character would just be like how she was in X-Men the Animated Series with her being a concerning and loving sister figure who was always there to offer consolation for the X-Men and help them through hard times. Jean Gray and Cyclops who would still be played by James Marsden would still be in a relationship and they would actually have good chemistry with each other unlike in Singer's original film where they barely had any. Logan who would still obviously be played by Hugh Jackman helps out Kitty Pryde the same way he did with Rogue in Singer's original film and they are still both attacked by the Brotherhood of Mutants before the X-Men come in to save them. Senator Robert Kelly would not be kidnapped in order to turn him into a mutant in this version. The final battle in the Statue of Liberty would still remain the same but Magneto who would still be played by Ian McKellen doesn't kidnap Rogue to power it since Rogue in this version would already be a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants and in this film she doesn't become a member of the X-Men until the sequel. Overall, there would be a lot of differences and the reason that I decided to replace Rogue's role with Kitty Pryde is because I didn't like how Bryan Singer made Rogue into this helpless damsel as that's not who Rogue is that's more of what Kitty Pryde is and the movie would still end with the scene where Charles and Magneto play chess in the latter's cell but the only difference is that Charles who would still be played by Patrick Stewart says something else to Magneto. After Magneto warns Charles that he intends to escape one day and continue to fight for the mutants Charles tell him not to think that the mutants are the only beings out there with extraordinary abilities since the world is big and in it there are beings of all kind that will be ready to combat the threats. By the way the film's intro would instead be a rendition of the X-Men the Animated Series theme and the characters including Wolverine will be wearing their iconic suits from the comics and tv show from the start to make a X-Men movie that fans will absolutely love more than the version of the film we got.

¿What if Marvel Studios had all the film rights from the beginning? Phase OneWhere stories live. Discover now