Chapter 1 The Discovery

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The biggest diamond in the world, could it be? An office worker at his desk ponders the question. Ivan, working late through the night in an attempt to remain employed, makes a long-awaited discovery. "If this is really what I think it is, Mr Gilligan will make me Vice President of the company," said Ivan.

Earlier that week, Mr Ross Gilligan marched into the open office area occupied by more than one hundred and fifty employees. "I have been President of this company for eight years now and I have nothing to show for it. You are all disappointments. Not a single one of you can do the task which you were hired for,'' shouted Mr Gilligan. The employees listened in fear, not knowing whether today might be their last day working for the DMC. Working at the DMC is a lifelong dream of most citizens in Nolovia. It requires a miracle just to get an interview with the country's most valuable company. The prestige that is accompanied with employment cannot be matched anywhere else. "I will not let my legacy be ruined by a group of enervated, cartoon-watching millennials who cannot do one single thing right," said Mr Gilligan. Alice, a young woman in the room asks her colleague "Isn't he a millennial too?" "Who said that?" shouted Mr Gilligan. The thirty-two-year-old boss begins pacing back and forth through the room. "I spent nine billion Nolins on The Device and all of you have failed to produce any decent result," said Mr Gilligan.

He walks about the room and spots a young man wearing headphones. He walks closer to the young man with a curious face. He realizes that the young man is playing a shooter game on his computer. He is wearing white socks and slides, completely ignoring the ongoing lecture. A colleague sitting next to the young man nudges him to warn him about the impending doom. The young man turns around and meets red eyes in a suit. His computer becomes unresponsive as he tries to exit his video game. His neighbour whispers to him "unplug the computer". The young man yanks the power cable from the wall and finally, the computer turns off.
"What is your name?" asked Mr Gilligan. "I am Ivan Sir," said the young man. "Do you know where you are working?" asked Mr Gilligan. "I work in the DMC Sir" replied Ivan. "And do you know what the DMC stands for?" asked Mr Gilligan. "It stands for Diamond Mining Corporation Sir," said Ivan. "It has been twelve years since this company discovered a major diamond, and you have the audacity to play video games in my presence," said Mr Gilligan. "I am very sorry Sir" pleaded Ivan. Mr Gilligan moved closer to Ivan with a menacing look. "I will not be disrespected in my own building, especially by an intern. I am going to give you a choice. It's either you get out right now and never come back or remain in this office until you discover a diamond unlike any other, a diamond that dilates all pupils in its direction. One that will dethrone my father's Sun Star. What do you choose?" asked Mr Gilligan. "...I choose to stay, Sir," replied Ivan. "Okay. If you walk out that door then consider yourself unemployed" said Mr Gilligan. He walks towards the exit followed by his team of security. Once they close the door behind them, one hundred and fifty people exhale simultaneously. "I was sure it was our last day here," said Alice. "Poor Ivan, he will never manage to find anything impressive before he starves to death" said Emily. "I wish we could find a way to help him," said Alice. He probably doesn't know about The Device, maybe it could help him" said Emily. "That thing was a colossal waste of money, it doesn't even work" shouted Lawrence from across the desk. "Without it, he might as well walk out of the building right now, it is his last hope," said Emily. Convinced that The Device could help Ivan, Emily walks halfway across the room to aid her fellow colleague. She is followed by Alice and Lawrence. "Hey Ivan, you must be agitated thinking about your impossible mission. I am here to ask you if you know about The Device," said Emily. "What device?" Ivan replied. "A device that is capable of scanning the earth's surface from a satellite. It uses advanced LiDAR systems that work alongside an infrared emitter to determine compounds and their location from anywhere on earth" said Lawrence. "I could really use a device like that," said Ivan. "It is insanely powerful. In theory, it can detect diamonds that are two thousand carats or more." said Lawrence. "Where can I get access to the device? I would like to use it," said Ivan. "Mr Gilligan had made it available to all employees until it was banned by President Margaux of Nolovia. She declared it potentially harmful to humans and the environment" sighed Lawrence. "I had forgotten about that, I'm so sorry Ivan," said Emily. The group of co-workers walk away and continue their conversation. "He is so fired," said Alice. Lawrence, Alice and Emily head back to their desks to resume their work. The frightened Ivan was left alone to process the events that transpired in the past half hour. How will he ever complete this daunting task?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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