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Hey darling! I'd absolutely adore you if you take a couple of minutes to read through the authors note💖

📖Why did I choose to write a story about SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER ?

So reader-san , I decided to write this story after seeing something pretty intense at the hospital. There was this patient who got diagnosed with Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD). He was really struggling to control his violent and mean impulses.

What made it even more interesting was that he believed he was some sort of reincarnation of a god, and he did display all the narcissistic personality traits too. So it got me thinking about what could be behind all of this. I GOT ALL CURIOUS! 👀

Like, are there certain genes that make someone more likely to act this way? Or is it all about the environment they grow up in? I started reading some research articles on psychopathic genes to try and figure out answers to my questions.

I just wanted to thoroughly understand how our brains and genes, along with our surroundings, can shape who we are, especially when it comes to something as complex as psychopathy.So yeah, after reading a few articles I did understand that there are definitely certain genes that can make someone more likely to become a psychopath.So reader-san here are the six genes that have been shown to influence the risk of developing psychopathy :

They're called ANKK1, DRD2, DRD4, MAOA, COMT, and 5-HTTLPR. Basically, if an individual inherits at least four of these psychopath-related genes from different places in your DNA (especially here I'm talking about alleles at least at three different loci, ) they are more at risk of becoming a psychopath.

But it's not just about genes, it's also about what happens around you while you're growing up. So, it's like this mix of your genes and your life experiences that can make you more likely to be a psychopath.

You know how people with psychopathic traits can often feel like they don't fit in with everyone else? Well, because of that, they might end up being drawn to others who are similar to them. They easily make friends with their kind .

It's like they find comfort in being around people who understand what they're going through so they definitely try to find people like them at all costs . Although it is not true for every psychopath .

So, imagine this: when psychopathic friends hang out together, it's like they're in this messed-up loop where they keep encouraging each other to do bad stuff. They both think they're better than everyone else and can do whatever they want without feeling guilty. So basically It's like they see themselves as gods, deciding who's right and wrong, and they get off on making other people suffer.

Some of them even get turned on by seeing others in pain especially tears or emotional suffering -it's called dacrophilia. And you know what's messed up? Their own messed-up childhoods make them want even more control over others. IT'S ALL ABOUT HAVING CONTROL , They think hurting people will somehow make them feel better about what they went through.

But here's the scary part:

"Their whole identity revolves around being in charge and making others suffer."

They'll do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to stay in control, even if it means hurting people. And because they don't see anything wrong with it, they just keep going, making things worse for everyone else and themselves as well .It's like this never-ending cycle of pain and misery that they can't break out of.

So umm dear reader , I've been diving deep into this whole Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD) thing, and it's really got me thinking. Okay I actually should write a book about it, so huh i thought about it and I finally started writing a story in my brain ,where five people with psychopathy especially SPD are going to support each other through everything.

" Lunatic's Obsession"{Tale of the five maniac's}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon