im here for you

6 1 1

Morgan: Hey pretty boy, where are you?

Reid: uhh i umm

Morgan: yes?

Reid: i got stuck in the elevator

Reid: and i'm really starting to freak out

Morgan: oh fuck, hold on im coming.

Reid: thank you

Reid's POV:

I sit in the corner of the elevator my head spinning

I'm not good in situations like this.

I feel like crying as I wait for Morgan. He's really the only member of the team I feel like I can trust in any situation.The last time I got stuck in an elevator I was with Morgan and now that he's not here I'm so scared.

Morgan's POV: I jump out of my chair as soon as I sent the last text. Hotch has about to ask me something but I run past him. Spencer needs me, I think as I run to the elevator door.

Hey Reid you alright in there?!?! I say worried for him. I know he doesn't like things like this. I-im not sure e-e-everything's spinning he responds sounding scared hey don't worry! I'm gonna get you outta there!

Reids POV:

I'll be back in a minute ok? Hang tight morgan says to me on the other side of the elevator door o-ok i respond my heart beating so fast. A few minutes pass but to me they feel like hours. I hear a loud creaking sound and the door comes open. I slide over to the door, my legs so shaky that I couldn't stand up.

I fall into his arms and begin to silently cry into his shoulder. Hey kid its okay now he says comforting me. Thank you, I say through tears I love him so much.

AHHHHHH omggg thank you so much for reading this.

Just have some things i wanna say 1. Im not sure if im going to be writing more oneshots this was really just random motivation i got from an all nighter but i defo want to. 2. I have dyslexia so if there is something wrong with the grammar you can tell me but i really won't give shit (:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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