Chapter 2: The Story of Us

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As the days pass, Lisa settles back into the rhythm of her life, grateful for the love and support of her friends as she continues her journey of recovery. Unbeknownst to her, however, a secret looms on the horizon – Valarie's presence in Los Angeles.

Despite their best intentions, the girls have struggled to find the right moment to break the news to Lisa, unsure of how she'll react to the unexpected reunion with her ex-girlfriend. As the days turn into a week, the weight of the secret hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their otherwise joyous reunion.

June 24th 2023

The girls step into Jimmy's diner for lunch on Wednesday, a collective sigh of relief escapes them as they realize that Valarie isn't working today. The tension that had been building since Lisa's return from rehab eases slightly, knowing that they won't have to confront the inevitable conversation about Valarie just yet.

With a sense of freedom, they settle into their usual booth, the familiar sights and sounds of the diner bringing a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty. As they peruse the menu and chat animatedly, the weight of the secret they've been keeping from Lisa lingers in the air, a reminder of the delicate balance they must maintain.

As the girls sit down at their table an older waitress comes to take their drink order. She smiles warmly at the girls as she approaches their table, her eyes crinkling with kindness. "Nice to see you girls again," she greets them cheerfully.

Her name tag reads "Evelyn," and she exudes a sense of familiarity and warmth as she takes their drink orders. Then, her gaze falls on Lisa, and she leans in slightly, a curious expression on her face.

"Hello, I don't think we've met yet. What's your name, dear?" she asks, her tone gentle and inviting.

Lisa smiles warmly as she introduces herself to the waitress. "I'm Lisa," she says, extending her hand in greeting.

Evelyn nods, her eyes twinkling with interest. "A pleasure to meet you, Lisa," she replies warmly.

Lisa settles back into her seat, she can't help but voice her curiosity about Mel's diner. "So I heard that Mel's diner is under new management?" she asks, her tone casual but curious.

Evelyn nods knowingly, a small smile playing at her lips. "You are correct, dear," she confirms. "Mel's diner turned into Jimmy's diner about six months ago, but don't worry, the food is still the same. It's just under a different name."

Lisa nods in understanding, grateful for the clarification. "That's good to know, thank you, Evelyn," she says appreciatively.

Evelyn turns her attention to Camila, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "You know, Lisa is quite cute," she says, her voice teasing. "Is she the girl you were always talking about?"

Camila's cheeks flush bright red as she squirms in her seat, caught off guard by Evelyn's question. "Uh, well, um..." she stammers, at a loss for words as her friends erupt into laughter at her embarrassment.

Evelyn takes the girls drink order and goes to get it prepared. As Evelyn is filling up the girls' drinks, Valarie emerges from the back, catching the older woman's attention.

"Oh, darling, you're here!" Evelyn exclaims, her eyes lighting up with surprise and delight.

Valarie offers a small smile in response. "Jimmy told me to come in today. He said we would be short-staffed, so I came on my day off," she explains.

Evelyn nods understandingly. "Well, since you're here, can you do me a favor and help me take these drinks to my table over there?" she asks, gesturing towards a nearby table.

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