Chapter 6: The Night is Still Young

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August 22nd 2023

The sunlight filters through the curtains, Lisa stretches lazily, a contented smile playing on her lips. Today is her 22nd birthday, and she can't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. Rolling out of bed, she takes a moment to savor the feeling of anticipation that fills the air.

With a quick glance at her phone, Lisa sees an array of birthday messages and well-wishes from friends and family, each one bringing a smile to her face. Feeling grateful for the love and support surrounding her, she takes a moment to reply to each message, expressing her gratitude for the outpouring of kindness.

As she makes her way downstairs, Lisa sees her friends holding a conversation in the living room as they are preparing for the day ahead. Chamile, Sherie, Dara, and Ludermary greet her with cheerful smiles and warm birthday wishes, their excitement palpable as they prepare to celebrate together.

"Happy birthday!" Lisa's friends say in unison.

"Thank you!" Lisa beams, her heart swelling with warmth at the sight of her friends gathered around her, their smiles as bright as the morning sun.

"So what are we planning for your birthday celebration tonight?" Chamile asks.

"I don't think I want to celebrate this year." Lisa replies.

"What! Are you joking, you have to celebrate!" Dara says.

"Yeah, we also need you to post the corny Taylor swift Instagram post that everyone does when they turn 22. It's like a right of passage."

Lisa chuckles at Dara's insistence, but her expression remains thoughtful. "I appreciate the sentiment, guys, I really do," she says, her voice soft. "But I'm just not feeling it this year. I think I'd rather just spend some quiet time with you all, maybe watch a movie or something."

Chamile and Dara exchange concerned glances, sensing Lisa's sincerity. "Are you sure, Lisa?" Chamile asks gently. "We want to make sure you have a great birthday, whatever that means for you."

Lisa nods, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I'm sure," she assures them. "Just having you all here with me is enough."

Lisa and her friends meet with Dinah, Camila, Ally and Normani at Jimmy's breakfast. Sherie quickly tells the others that Lisa doesn't want to celebrate.

"What do you mean you don't want a party for your birthday?!?" Camila says, obviously opposed to her girlfriend's response.

Lisa offers a sheepish smile as she meets Camila's gaze, understanding the concern in her girlfriend's eyes. "I know it sounds strange," she begins, her voice gentle. "But I'm just not feeling up to a big celebration this year. I'd much rather just spend some quality time with all of you."

Camila's expression softens slightly at Lisa's words, though she still seems hesitant. "But it's your birthday, babe," she says, her tone pleading. "We have to do something special to celebrate."

Lisa reaches out to take Camila's hand, offering a reassuring squeeze. "I promise, spending time with all of you is special enough for me," she says earnestly. "I just want to keep things low-key this year."

The girls grow silent, enjoying their beverages when Ally speaks up.

"How about we do something small in a small venue?" Ally recommends.

"Like where?" Sherie asks.

"Like here." Ally replies.

The girls are silent for a while then start laughing.

"We can not host a birthday party here. I'm not even sure they do any." Camila says.

Suddenly, the waitstaff begins to sing "Happy Birthday" and approach their table with a stack of confetti pancakes topped with whipped cream, the girls exchange surprised glances, their laughter ringing out in the cozy diner.

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