Chapter 12: Welcome to New York

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November 25th 2023

The vibrant energy of Times Square pulsed through the air as Lisa and her friends stood together, gazing out at the iconic sights that surrounded them. Chamile, Dara, Sherie, and Ludermary's eyes widened in wonder as they took in the towering skyscrapers, and the kaleidoscope of lights that illuminated the city.

"Wow, this place is incredible," Dara exclaimed, her voice filled with awe as she snapped photo after phot of the dazzling skyline and sending them to her boyfriend, Alex. "I've never seen anything like it!"

Sherie nodded enthusiastically, her gaze darting from one towering billboard to another. "It's definitely better in person than in the movies. I can't believe we're here!"

Ludermary couldn't tear her eyes away from the sea of people moving through Times Square, each one adding to the vibrant tapestry of life that defined the city. "I feel like Rachel Berry from that one episode of Glee," she marveled, a smile spreading across her face.

"We need to do everything we can possibly do while we're here. We never know when we will get the chance to come here again!" Chamile exclaimed, spinning and laughing as she ran into Dinah, who was enjoying seeing her girlfriend acting like a kid in a candy store.

Camila, Ally, Lisa and Normani walked up beside their friends, their expressions mirroring the wonder and excitement of the other four girls. "Welcome to New York City, ladies," Camila said, her voice tinged with pride as she gestured the bustling streets nearby. "It's a city like no other. Ready to make some memories?"

As they continued to explore the city Lisa couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and gratitude wash over her. The familiar sights and sounds of New York City, stirred memories from her past, reminding her of the times she had wandered these streets before.

Camila approached her, intertwining their hands together as the group made their way to the hotel. "Why aren't you as excited as the other four?" Camila asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

They both watched as Chamile, Dara, Sherie, and Ludermary were still looking in awe at the tall building and snapping pictures of everything they could, while also not running into people or street poles.

Lisa offered a small smile, swaying both of their hands up and down playfully. "It's not that I'm not excited, babe. It's just that this isn't my first rodeo here in New York," she explained. Camila narrows her eyes interested in knowing more. Lisa laughs at her girlfriend's reaction before explaining. "Ive been here twice, actually,"

"Really?" Camila exclaimed.

"Yeah. The first time was with my family back in December of my 7th grade year and the other time was with my cousin from Virginia, along with my family, and Valarie."

Camila's eyes widened with interest. "Ahh, nothing like winter in New York! Honestly though, what was it like for a first timer?"

Lisa chuckled softly, reminiscing about her family trip to the city. "It was cold, crowded, but absolutely magical," she recalled. "We saw the big ole Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, went on a ferry boat to see the Statue of Liberty, and even caught a Broadway show. It was one of the best trips of my life."

Camila smiled, her heart warmed by Lisa's memories, not even wanting her to recall the second time see came to New York, because of the blonde who should not be mentioned. "Well, I'm glad we get to experience this together, even if it's not your first time," she said leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Lisa's cheek. "Besides, every trip to New York brings new adventures, right?"

Excitement bubbled among the group of friends as they made their way inside the hotel. The lobby buzzed with activity as they approached the front desk, where a friendly hotel clerk greeted them with a warm smile.

L. A. Dreaming: Disrupted Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora