Either Way (repost)

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Just a quick one shot Au. After watching the Either Way MV i was very inspired by the visual, concept and story. I don't fully know what's going on MV-wise, but this will follow my own idea of the story (with some added spice!).

Yujin's pov:

"GET OUT!" My father screamed at me. I couldn't look at him. He was more than upset. He was disgusted. He acted as if I was a monster. I did nothing wrong. I thought I was doing so well. But he has had enough with me. With me and my friends.

"what-" I could barely form proper coherent sentences. The word was the only sound that escaped from my mouth in the mix of words swirling in my brain.

"GET OUT YOU FREAK!" As dad yelled out, a sound of glass shattering caught our attention. Through the shield of tears that blurred my vision I made out the shape of a tall woman. She had freshly dyed blonde hair, and I could tell she was furious. Her fists, they were clenched and bleeding. On the floor was a spread of shattered pieces of glass.

"DON'T YOU TALK TO HER LIKE THAT." She pointed a finger to dad, stomping towards him.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE WONYOUNG!" I screeched, but it was like she couldn't hear me. She shouldn't be hear. This is my fight.

A forceful wind blew past me, due to the force of Wonyoung pushing him against the wall. Her nails dug into his flesh, drawing blood. His face contorted with his fear. His eyes shook as he attempted to push her off of him. With her right fist, she struck a punch right into his jaw. He yelled out in pain, tears formed in the corner of his eyes, and his jaw started to show a reddish hue.


"YUJIN IS GONE NOW. WONYOUNG IS HERE NOW YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHI-" before she could finish, dad kicked her knee in. She fell, not being able to yell out for help, as he covered her mouth. But instead of showing her pain on her face, her eyes burned red in pure anger. His hands now held both of hers, restraining her from attacking any further.

"GET OFF ME." He didn't listen. He held her wrists tighter, causing the poor girl to whimper. He moved her hands atop of her head, pinning her to the floor. In his eyes I could feel his desire. He was going to do something to her. Something bad. Wonyoung saw his intentions. She couldn't fight him. But in one quick motion, dad fell right off of her.

"I never liked that pig." Liz scowled at him. In her hand was a pan. A pan now covered in a dripping red liquid.

"Yo- YOU KILLED MY FATHER." I exclaimed running over to the unconscious body. I help his wrist in my left hand, checking for any sign of life.



His heartbeat was steady. Contrasting his high pressured attitude.

"He is still alive... I should've hit him harder..."

"You need to leave him Yujin. Just look at you, look at this place. He's a bad man, and you finally have a chance to live your life." Wonyoung cried, crawling over to me and holding my hands. Her hands were cold. It was if she was a dead person. I can't do this right now.


"Renowned CEO, An Man-Shik was found unconscious in his home, he is currently being brought to the nearest hospital in critical condition. Unfortunately his daughter is no where to be found. There are no fingerprints identifiable on th-" I reached for the dial of the radio, turning it down. I'm glad they came quickly. He may have died from blood-loss if they didn't.

He was a good man. A smart CEO of a powerful company. But after mom left last year, he fell into a downwards spiral. It started with a few trips to the bar, and suddenly he was drinking 24/7. Im pretty sure he was also dealing drugs, as I found residue of a white powder on his suits. He didn't hit me. I'm glad he didn't. But he didn't need to, as I caused the physical harm to myself before he could.

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