December 28th, 2015

76 3 1

14 years old 12/28/15
      I pulled my hat off my head, trying to fix my hair. This year, for Xander's birthday, he chose to go skiing. But we could do that any time. Though, skiing wouldn't be my go to for a birthday. After a long while of skiing, as a group, we decided to take a break and get some hot chocolate. We found an empty table and sat down with our hot chocolate. Well, other than Nash. With him being twenty, he went with coffee. But Jameson, my younger brother,  Xander, my youngest brother, and I all.
Around ten minutes had passed and we didn't have much to talk about so I had been looking around. Tables were full of happy, nuclearish families. My eyes drifted off to one family. They were all blondes, but not white blondes like me, more dirty blondes. There were two older looking folks, mid 40s maybe, most likely the kids at the table's parent's. Across from the parents, an older boy laughed. Looked like he was in his late teens, early twenties probably the same age as Nash. Next to him, a little boy piped up. He looked to be no older than five. The last person sat in between the two boys.
It was girl with long, long blonde hair. It was in a braid that ran all the way down her back, she looked like Rapunzel. From where I was, I could see the sun shining right in her eyes which helped me identify them as blue. She was smiling and laughing. A very pretty smile. Before I knew it, my hand was reaching into my pocket to grab my camera, holding it up to my face, waiting for the right moment. Just as she smiled, I took the photo. It took a second for it to come out but it was amazing. Before anyone could notice, even with the loud snapping sound, I stuffed it in my pocket and continued watching the family.
"Max Henry Hastings!" All of them said except for the oldest sibling who was leaning back in his chair shrugging. Max Hastings. I'll have to remember that name.
"Earth to Grayson?" Nash was waving a hand in my face, bringing me back to them. "You okay?" He furrowed his brows at me.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said quietly with a nod.
"Well, we're going back out. Come if you may!" Xander called from a few feet away, sauntering back to the slopes. I put my hat back on before speeding-walking to catch up with Xander, Nash, and Jameson.
Singh Vs. Connecticut: Details of 04/18/14
Written by: Julie Harding 07/25/14
       In Fairview, Connecticut, on the night of April 18th 2014, Salil "Sal" Singh, Andrea "Andie" Bell's boyfriend, was hanging out with his friends. At this hang out was Naomi Ward, Salil Singh, Max Hastings, whose house it was being held at, Jake Lawrence, and Millie Simpson. Max's younger sister, Evelyn, was also there that night, she'll be important later.
       Supposedly, Sal claims he left Max's house at 12:15 A.M. and Evelyn follows this story. Sal's friends originally followed this story before changing Sal's departure time to 10:30  p.m. on Sal's father, Mohan Singh, said that "Sal returned home at approximately 12:50 a.m." If Sal had started walking home at 12:15 a.m., it would've taken him around 35 minutes to walk from Max's (Courtland) to his home (Grove Place) which is an approximate 30 minute walk.
        Security footage from the bank on Fairview's Main Street shows Andie's car being driven away from her home at around 10:40 p.m. mostly likely by either her or, from who evidence points to, Sal. But why would Sal be driving Andie's car? Which led to a forensic search of Andie's car. In the trunk, traces of Andie's blood could be found along with Sal ,and other Bell family members, fingerprints on the dashboard and steering wheel.
       All this evidence gives Sal a one hour and ten minute time frame to leave Max's, find Andie, kill her, dispose of her body, and then get back home.
      This case will most likely be and open-shut case with how obvious everything makes it. Overall, forensic evidence will help determine the outcome of this case. With how's this are going, we might not even need it. 

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