Vent(TW Selfharm and suicidal thoughts)

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I hate my life..and I kinda hate my parents,like I know I can be a shitty person some time but i don't want to! I never asked for any of this! I never wanted to be like this! I just...I don't know! But the least my parents,mainly my stepdad, could do is not reminded me of it ever day! Like I know I'm bad and I know I'm a bit overweight I can't help I like to fucking eat! It's a form of comfort to me! And they also bring up my self harming I know what I did is wrong and I'm trying to stop but they make worse by acting like when I have something even remotely sharp alone I'm going to cut myself! Even though I'm not,and I'm also to blame for if sharp stuff goes missing...sometime I just want to ram a knife into my chest! I hate it...but I couldn't...I would never bring myself to do it,I'm just so damn tried and I bearly get any private on stuff like my phone,like I'm 16! And my Alex is my only remotely private thing though I can't do much on it...I just wish I could live out my life like my imagination scenarios and stuff at least in them I was happy....I'm sorry I just needed to vent this...goodbye till next time...I hope

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