Thank You Kindly

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Charlie followed after Rosie, chatting with her idly as they walked to a favorite tea shop of hers.

"So I see repairs are coming along nicely for the hotel?" Rosie asks.

"Oh yes, we appreciate all the help and I'm glad Alastor requested it, it's nice to have other people at the hotel besides us. We appreciate the hand."

"Of course, of course, a friend of Alastor is a friend of mine," she waved off her thanks as they settled in a private tea room. They sat down at the table as a small imp took their orders.

It wasn't long until they received their tea, Rosie smiling fondly at the smell and taking a long sip.

"Say, speaking of Alastor, you know if he's been about? I've barely seen him around," Rosie replied and drank.

"Well, he got injured during the fight, and he did arrive back but he's been rather scarce lately," Charlie offered.

"Hm, he's acting funny again."

"Again?" Charlie perked up.

"Oh don't mind your pretty head about it, Al is always a strange one, but...a few times he's been unlike himself."

"What other times? It's odd I don't know too much about Alastor and how he really behaves," Charlie was oozing curiosity.

"Well, he would hate for me to tell you about this, but he was once in love."

"What?! No way!" Charlie burst out.

"Mhmm, just once. He never would admit it, and he would never again but he was in love once," She looked at her tea with a small smile as she whispered.

"Wow, would you tell the story? I'd never tell another soul," Charlie looked earnestly at Rosie.

"Hm, yes, just a minute."

Rosie put a small spell around their space, being sure to block out any listening ears.

"Now, you know Alastor was born in the early 1900s, and died in 1933. I met him not long after he arrived here in hell and it didn't take long until he was one of the top overlords but we remained friends throughout his carnage. Well one day...


"Say, what are we in such a hurry for anyway, Rosie, who is this friend?" Alastor hurried along to her brisk pace.

"Oh, she's my darling friend. She's been out and about these days, I want to be there to catch her at the train. Come along, Al," she lifted her skirts as they walked quickly to the landing.

Alastor didn't see the importance over a lady but if Rosie found her intriguing why shouldn't he? He kept up and stopped as soon as Rosie slowed.

"My, she must be something for you to be excited about anyone in hell," He scoffed.

"She's a friend, and is quite a lovely singer in her turf sector, her little club is one we should go to sometime."

"Well, I do love a good jazz club, I'd enjoy a change of scenery," Alastor looked up to see the hell engine pull up on the sharp tracks, releasing the doors with red steam. Out came many demons, but the last caught his eye. A lovely demon with chin length hair, a long puffy fox tail, a knee length dress with a long bow draped over with delicate kitten heels on her feet, she carried a suitcase in each hand and adorned a large red hat. She squinted to see her friend Rosie. Alastor paused at her dazzling smile.

"Rosie!! My dear friend!" She set her cases down as she ran up to hug her. Alastor was entranced by the lovely creature.

"Dear Viv! It's been a minute, so good to see you!" Rosie gushed happily.

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