Chapter 5

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"Hey, bitches!" Cara strolled up to their picnic table which consisted of Pip, Connor, Lauren, Zach, Ant, and now Cara.
"Hey!" Evelyn stretched out the word.
"So, what have you brought today?" Cara asked, picking some food off of Connor's plate.
"Hey!" He smacked her hand.
"You can't hit me, it's almost my birthday month." She crossed her arms over her chest, turning to Evelyn and Pip, her face now in her hands. "So," she sang, "Pip, how's your research been going?"
"Fine. I'll probably try to convince Evelyn to let me talk to Max about it. Maybe talk to Naomi too." Pip replied.
"You talk about me as if I'm not here." She placed a hand on her chest in mock betrayal, shaking her head at Pip. "Shame on you, Pip. Shame." She couldn't help a smile pulling at her lips.
"But really, will you let me?" Pip asked, interlocking her fingers in a prayer, pushing her lower lip outwards.
"Only if Max agrees and you know how he is with this stuff," Evelyn scoffed.
Cara clears her throat before asking a new question. "New topic. How are things going with Ravi?" She ran her finger across the table, using two fingers to walk her hand up Pip's arm.
"Nothings going on between me and Ravi, we're just working together." A giggle or two came from Pip as she pulled away from Cara's touch. 
"I don't believe you." Cara slammed her hands on the table.
"Fine," Pip said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'll bring Ravi with me when I talk to Max and I'll have Evelyn document it."
"You will not be bringing Ravi to my house," Evelyn laughed.
"What do you mean by that?" Pip leaned over toward Evelyn.
"Do you seriously not remember who was there in my living room and upstairs and in Max's room?" She copied Pip, leaning toward her until they were at an uncomfortable proximity.
  "Oh, yeah," Pip mumbled, lowering her head.
"Evelyn, why is your brother so boring? Like, can't he get a job or something? Your parents can just buy him a job." Cara had a habit of, when she could sense a dip in the mood, changing the topic to something similar but not completely the same. In this case she stayed on the 'Boring Hastings' Family' topic. "Or! He could go to a fancy college! Aren't you apply to Harvard?"
"Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Colombia for a back up," she said casually, plucking some food from her plate.
"Colombia for a back up? Excuse me?" Cara leaned forward over the table, emphasizing trying to head her clearer. "You have the confidence of a Hawthorne." She leaned back to where she was before.

"Like, the tree hawthorn?" Evelyn asked.
"Where do you plan on going?" Pip asked, brushing Evelyn's question away.
"Gap year." She shrugged.
"Anyone gonna ask about me?" Connor butted in, leaning over to their side of the table.
"Oh my sweet, sweet, Connor, where shall you be going?" Evelyn intertwined her fingers, batting her eyes at Connor.  
"I don't know."

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