Scene 31.-Daisies and a Daydream

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Herbert sits criss-cross-applesauce alone in a daisy field with a dreamy look on his face. We have the ripply dream effect and fly into Herbert's daydream

Launcelot: Oh My dearest Herbert, I am here to rescue you once again! I have finally been freed from the treacherous hands of the constables (He is overly exaggerated and "dreamy". He grabs Herbert's hand and they run away into a field of flowers and sheep.)

Sheep: BAAAAAAAAA (Nuzzles Herbert and then bonks heads with another sheep, knocking both sheep out.)

Launcelot: (taking Herbert's hands in his) Herbert, you are an amazing... what's that word again? umm...

Concord 2.0; Barthalomew: Homosapian sir?

Launcelot: Yes, Homosapian. Herbert, you are an amazing Homosapian and I would be honored if you would accompany me on the quest of getting some food in a fancy restaurant across the street where I can.. (Looks to Bartholomew)

Bartholomew: He wants to take you out on an escapade, sir.

Herbert: (Squeaky girlish) Oh sir Launcelot I would be HONORED!

(There is a montage of them going on a date, eating spaghetti, walking through the park, dancing at a medieval club, and sitting together looking at the polluted ocean, with Ronnie Aldrich's Annie's Song (instrumental) playing in the background. Launcelot turns to Herbert)

Launcelot: Herbert, Would you give me the honor of- He gets cut off, and stares, opening and closing his mouth as if trying to speak, but no words come forth

Herbert: Launcey? What's wrong? He looks behind him to see his former fiance, Princess Lucky, In Herbert's mind she looks ten-folds more ugly. Only to be compared to a frog, full of blemishes.

Princess Lucky: Herbert, sweety (this is said sickly sweet. Like a snake trying to charmspeak a mouse) There you are! I have been looking for you (creepyyyy) here, here, come, come. She shoots a withering look at Launcelot, and grabs Herberts arm

Herbert: M- Ms- Princess Lucky!? What the- hey! Launcey HELP!

Launcelot: HEY! You Toad! Put my-... Put him DOWN He lunges forward, sword in hand

Lucky: SCREAMS WHOA WHOA WHOA! Have you NO MANNERS? YOU DON'T JUST STAB GIRLS AROUND HERE! She lets go of Herbert and backs away a little, looking faint. Please Herbet(Mispronounces name cutely), your father wants to talk to you! And you too She addresses Launcelot, saying "you", as one would say, "steaming pile of rotten garbage

Launcelot: Whatever do you mean my fair maiden?

Lucky: looking exasperated Please sirs, just follow me.

Herbert: Looks skeptical, but when Launcelot steps forward, he follows

They track through the many hills of land (Cartoonified) passing many of the iconic cartoons such as the farmer and his tree, the monk and his "Bloody Weather" and many others. (back to normal live action) They arrive at the castle on the swamp and are greeted by Herbert's father

Herbert's father(Johnathan): Oh good good! You He shoves Launcelot a suit Don't worry we still have time

Herbert: Mo- father, what?

Launcelot: What is this?

Johnathan: Go on GO ON! The ceremony starts in five minutes!!! He shoves them towards two shopping mall style dressing rooms, draped with flowers

Scene 31.-Daisies and a DaydreamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin