April 22nd, 2014

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It was warmer than usual for April in Fairview. Or maybe it could be the guilt. It had been four days. On Monday, Evelyn had convinced her parents that she wasn't feeling well, this was the same day Max, Naomi, Millie, and Jake locked in their alibis. Evelyn repeated the same process today, this time saying she needed to take a walk. With her backpack adding more weight onto her shoulders, she made her way into the forest. This was the forest that separated Max's "best friend"'s family's home and the Fitz-Amobi's, Cara's actual best friend's family's home.

Climbing her way into the tree, she took out the sketchbook and pencil she had packed away. She didn't know what to draw. Too many things paced throughout her head that she couldn't focus on one thing. She closed her eyes, leaning her head against the tree, trying to focus on one thing.

Her eyes snapped open at the sound of two familiar voices. She carefully sat up, making sure not to make a sound.

"It's good that you made the decision to go to Yale, it has fantastic scenery." The two figures finally made their way into Evelyn's view. Mr. Ward and next to him, Sal. What are they doing out here? Doesn't Mr.Ward have a class to teach? Evelyn thought. She studied him for a moment more, noticing the leather gloves that perfectly fit his hands.

Leather Gloves in late April? She thought.

"I'm quite excited to see the campus too! I've only seen photos of it," Sal replied eager to continue talking about his choice of college.

"Photos don't live up to the true beauty of the campus," Elliot added. He slowed his pace, trailing behind Sal a little. In less than a second, Elliot had pulled out what appeared to be a pen and had it at Sal's neck, reaching into his pocket to grab some bottle. A pill bottle. He opened the cap with surprising ease, holding a handful of pills up to Sal's mouth.

"Take it," he demanded, his tone deadly. A wave of pure fear washed over Evelyn at the sight, Sal's face shared the same emotion. Hesitantly, Sal opened his mouth, the pills falling in. Evelyn watched as his adam's apple bobbed, showing he had swallowed them.

Slowly, Elliot brought Sal to the ground, laying his head in his lap and holding his hand.

"My time at Yale was amazing. I was there for a while after Naomi and Cara were born, but I had to leave when Iris became sick. Now I'm stuck as a teacher at a mediocre, small town high school," he laughed. "I would trade anything to have that job back. The friends I made there that have drifted away. That place was truly magical, don't let the Harvard kids tell you otherwise."

Sal's eyelashes fluttered as he fought off unconsciousness, eventually giving in. Elliot's head fell, looking down at Sal. Adjusting his glasses, he looked back up, grabbing a bag from his pocket. It was a gallon sized bag. Another thing came from his pocket, a hair tie which he probably stole from Naomi. Naomi. How had Evelyn forgotten about Naomi? What about Cara? Would they find out about this? What would happen to them?

This sudden rush of emotions went silent when Evelyn heard the hair tie snap around Sal's neck, securing the bag —that was now over his head—in place. After a minute, Mr.Ward stood, taking a few steps before looking back one last time. He looked to see the damage he had caused.

He didn't have to take it this far. Andie's voice echoed in Evelyn's head.

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