Painful Reminders

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Life, it's a thing not many in this world enjoy, it's a painful existence to be born in the place more so if you're born without any powers to be blessed with freedom. The non gifted individuals are treated as live stock forced into endless slavery for just not being as fortunate as others. 

These people are seen as nothing but useless, but I'm more fortunate than most being blessed by every god and not being fully 'human' per say but nonetheless i still like all who lived before me.

Late at night in a forest 

"Mate this has to be the most crap ever today"  A teenaged boy is seen walking down the path of the dark forest with little to no trouble nor fear despite the gloomy nature of his surroundings " Just had to be a double shift today on a Friday of all days, mucho mal" 

The teen continues down the path and in his view is a small cabin the light in are still turned on despite it being 12:00pm, midnight, his grandparents shouldn't be up at all....somethings off 

As he makes his way over he sees signs of breaking and entering and without missing a beat the teen launched forward into his home frantically looking over the house for his family only to be meet with a pool of blood and a note on the table, once again they took away his family not a trace of life within there house just emptiness like his degrading soul 

"First mom and dad, then my older siblings, then the youngest and after that my cousins, uncles, aunts and NOW!? they took my GRANDPARENTS" The black haired kid had lost his temper and what seemed to be his own shadow began to rise and take a form similar to him 

" Calm down Nick we'll get them back read the note, must have at least an explication, right?" The shadow spoke with a calm and collected nature unbothered by the stains or implications of death " y-yeah, ... what's the worst that can happen " As the Teen now know as Nick picks up the note it reads as follows " your grandparents gots held up by us fo', now you gonna feel the brun of watching another one of you fam die" 

Nick was uphauled not only by the message it gives but also the horrible spelling and blood " This time I'm not a pushover, this time it's war" he ran over to the stairs and up to his room door that was down the hall as he pushed it open he only grabbed his bookbag and stuffed a few things in and rushed down to the living room stocking up on anything in the fridge once finished his shadowy counter part reappears as he seems to be able to interact with objects as he picks up Nick and pushed him right of through the window in his kitchen 

" THE HELL, now is not the tim- " An explosion goes off in the house cutting Nick of mid sentence as he realized his shadow saved him and this was just another underhand tactic used by the stupid gang that does this shit to him 

"What was that now, Nick?" The shadow seemed angry but yet relived at being able to keep him alive once again " thanks, that's what" Nick had shared emotions with his shadow not angry but not relived either just more...fueled 

So they went along and....blah, blah, blah enough chit chat. The names Nick as you know now, and the long and short of this crap replay is to get it across that this world ain't some walk in the park, i had lodes of my family killed in front of me, fucked with me mentally. so let's just recap but a bit faster shall we 

Mother killed by being crucified on a burring cross, father head blow to bit by a 12 gauge, older siblings, crushed, impaled, and cut down, in that order and my little sister, blown the fuck up, cousins now they all were hanged aunt and uncles got similar treatments, aka decapitation and affixation. And now the old heads, MIA

Now you must wonder what now for this blessed child well, now I'm nothing but a street rat forced to steal and fight for my life each DAY can't really remember the amount of wallets i pickpocketed the numbers too high now

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