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“My morning routine starts out like anyone else’s does!” I say gleefully, looking directly at my camera lens. “Doing my makeup is ESSENTIAL! I’ll probably post another makeup tutorial later, though.”

I set my camera down next to the sink and grab some makeup out of my cabinet. This is the life. Being a model for everyone to see! The best thing about it is, we don’t even have to go outside! Nobody will bother me if I’m simply shopping, because I’m shopping online!

Robots do all of the work we don’t want to do. It is absolutely amazing how technology has developed over the ages! I remember how people used to be so obsessed with the concept of flying cars, but who needs a flying car when you don’t have to leave your house? Studies have shown that it’s actually better that we don’t interact with each other in person because ever since everyone started making content, the rate of people getting sick has gone down drastically!

Tik-Tok has been so popular throughout the years that now it’s everyone’s main source of income. Tik-Tok has gotten so popular that all other jobs are no longer available for humans, but you have to work so much harder for other jobs anyway. Now, Tik-Tok pays A LOT of cash if you can play your cards right, so you have a lot of competition. Trends are an easy way to get attention, and the latest trend is makeup tutorials. I don’t know why something so basic would become a trend, but who am I to ask? I’m getting fame, and that’s all that matters.

I set my makeup down and hit something with my elbow and hear a big SPLASH!

“My camera!” I scream as I grab my camera out of the toilet. 

Great. Just great. Now I have to buy ANOTHER camera. I’m already short on likes, I can barely buy anything off of Homedash let alone another camera! 

The camera wasn't turning on and it was clearly damaged from the water in the toilet bowl. The end of the month is literally tomorrow and I haven’t met my monthly requirements! If I don’t get a million views and at least half a million likes, I’ll be terminated! Whatever that means… The contact that I signed said something like-

“I,  Skylar B. Smith, agree that I will meet the monthly requirements to continue to be provided with us here at Tik-Tok. If the requirements are not met, Skylar B. Smith will be TERMINATED.”

I think they mean my account will be terminated. You can’t terminate a person. Plus, robots are cool and all, but even robots make typos sometimes. Anyways, I go downstairs and head into my father’s studio. He’s currently playing the newest hit game Nightfort. I enter his room but I accidentally trip on his cord and unplug it, turning off his console.

“What in the world, Skylar?!” He shouts, clearly unhappy that his game was interrupted.

“I’m sorry, but do you have a spare camera I can use?” I mutter apologetically.

“No, sweetie. I don’t.” He says. “The only extra cameras I have are webcams and I know you don’t like webcams.”

“Are you sure? I need to get more likes and followers! My account will be terminated if I don’t!” I shout desperately.

“Well honey, then you’ll just have to live like everyone was living before you could become famous.” My father replies, plugging in his console.

Not being famous is an absolute nightmare! I can’t believe my own father is going to treat me like that! He doesn’t have nearly as many followers as I do,and the games he plays are so outdated! He’s acting like he’s so famous but the only people watching his videos are a bunch of boomers! I rushed out of my father’s room and burst into my mother’s.

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