2 - Protection

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Sean's POV:
I was just reading my book in peace until a guy with white-cyan hair came up to me. What's gonna happen now...? It's Arzenal, a.k.a the number one bully in the school. How am I supposed to face him? Come on God, be nice to me for once...

"Well, well, well... Look who it is, the new dumb@$s!", he cackled. He suddenly took my book and ripped all the pages. I couldn't do anything but stand there and watch while I shed tears from the book I was finding for my whole life... He threw my book to the mud, making it more damaged. "COULD YOU JUST STOP ALREADY!?", oh sh%t, I said those words out loud. Well this is the end of my life. God I am so stupid...

He started to beat me up harsly to the ground, making me wince from pain. He kicked me violently until blood came out of my mouth. I was gasping for air as I couldn't leave, but when I took a breath, he suffocated me and threw me, making me roll down the hill, again. I landed on the same puddle, making my head hit the book and the puddle filled with blood. Am I... Still alive?


Eli's POV:
Seriously man? You, in love with someone you just met and who doesn't like you back? How stupid can you get? I was just minding my own business until I heard a big splash and some whines. He must've fell down again, I thought. It turns out, that It was Sean, with his book... He was so damaged. Whoever did this to him will pay the price...

"SEAN!!!" I tried to wake him up, but he couldn't. I checked his pulse, and he was still breathing, but the heartbeat is very, very, very slow. Damn it's just his first day here and he's already beaten up! Bad luck seriously needs to stop happening to both of us right now. I hugged him tightly as I was crying my eyes out. I carried him gently and ran to the nurse office.

"Whoa there..."

A voice said behind me. Oh $h%t, not fu€k%n6 again... It was him again, Arzenal. "Don't tell me you did this to him...", I grumbled in a cold voice. "Yeah, I did. So what are you going to do, huh?", he asked joking as if I couldn't do anything. I put down Sean gently in a soft, comfy grass and kissed him in the forehead, as I decided to kick Arzenal in the ballz.

"OW! FU€K%N6 $H%T!!!", I thought that blow was enough, but he punched me hard in my stomach, making me lose strength. Do you think I should give up? NO! I'm doing this for Sean, and if I don't, then his scar will just remain there in vain. We both decided to fight, until the school principal showed up, and he pointed at me that I started everything, and he said that I hurt Sean. Well, who's gonna believe you when he wakes up? Gosh... Arzenal is a stupid idiot...


As he lays down in the clinic bed, I held his hand tightly to make sure he doesn't die. They checked the CCTV cameras, and saw all the proof they needed. Arzenal is now expelled. Thank god. "I-i love you...", Sean mumbled. I was surprised and almost jumped out of my seat when he spoke. Love who? There's no way it's me, right? He suddenly woke up, relief on his face when he saw me.

"Eli-", before he could even complete his words, I hugged him tightly--- but in a way he could breath. He cries again, hugging me tighter. "Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Would you like me to get the nur-", "It's alright, you need to calm down!", he said jokingly. Even in serious times, he's so cute! Wait a second, No more simping! Gosh, simp for him in another time man.

"So I was just wondering if you could go to my house later... My dad won't be home until midnight, and he allows any visitors!", he said. I'm not sure if I can go, because my parents will be mad at me... But I can always run away! They're so abusive that they hurt me everyday, even if I did absolutely nothing! I guess it's a good time... "Can I, stay there?", I asked. Surprisingly, he nodded. "He's okay with it, even if you live with us forever! Also, I can walk with you while you go home, If you want!", he said cheerfully. I nodded and helped him with his crutches to walk home. My house was just 5 minutes away so we both weren't tired at all.

"Wait here", I said, making him wait on the swing outside my house. He nodded while I go inside. "Mom, Dad I am home-", I got slapped by my mom. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!", she shouted at me and got the strongest belt to exist in this household. Oh hell no, not today god, not today... She hitted me hard as she can, while dad kept kicking me on the floor. I was growling from pain while getting beaten up on the bloody floor. I thought It was the end, until the pain stopped, but how?

It turns out it was Sean, and he locked him at the basement. He helped me back and urged me to pack my things, and I did. After that, I took mom's purse and took a taxi going to the police station to report everything. I also got the CCTV camera footage from home in case, and now my parents are arrested. I got treated by the nurse and then went to Sean's house, which was HUGE... I was not expecting that...

"Hey Sean", "Yeah?", he asked. "Thank you for saving me", I said and then I gave him a short kiss. I winked at him and went to the bedroom.


DAMN THIS TOOK ME 3 HOURS TO WRITE 💀💀💀 I hope U like the second chapter and bye~!!!

1052 words
~+ Human Timothy +~

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