Neanderthals V Homo Sapiens Football Game

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Neanderthals V Homo Sapiens Football Game.
In Aberdeen's rugged embrace, 
Neanderthals and sapiens face, 
Upon the green, their fates entwined, 
In ancient rivalry, defined. 

Eleven sapiens, sleek and fast, 
With strategy and skill amassed, 
Against eleven neanderthal hearts, 
Strength and instinct play their parts. 

The whistle blows, the game's begun, 
Sapiens swiftly, neanderthals run, 
But as the goals start to accrue, 
Sapiens lead, their prowess true. 

Four goals ahead, the sapiens cheer, 
Neanderthals feel doubt and fear, 
But in the depths of primal might, 
Neanderthals begin their fight. 

With raw power and primal might, 
Neanderthals rise to the fight, 
Four goals down, they rally strong, 
Their determination echoes long. 

With each thunderous strike they score, 
The sapiens' lead they restore, 
Four goals each, the tension's high, 
As Aberdeen watches from the sky. 

But fate decrees a shootout test, 
Neanderthals and sapiens pressed, 
To prove who's worthy, who's the best, 
In Aberdeen's historic quest. 

The sapiens' nerve holds firm and true, 
In penalties, they break through, 
Victorious, though neanderthals fought, 
In Aberdeen, their dreams were caught. 

The final whistle fills the air, 
Sapiens triumph, neanderthals declare, 
A game of skill and primal might, 
In Aberdeen's eternal light.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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