Art gallery

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The nights in Gotham are always the same... dark... but this one was different at least at the Gotham's art gallery were the most rich people of all Gotham are having a drink and making deals to be richer as always.

And there he was, the most codicious man in town the lonely Bruce Wayne, a lot of girls try to get in his bedsheets but nobody could... but is worth the try right?

At some moment at the gallery Bruce was quite exahusted of being there but he needed to be there since it was a charity event, but it was so hard since the reporters and the models didn't let him alone.

-Mr. Wayne?- Alfred said next to Bruce Wayne the most rich guy in the gallery

-Yes Alfred?- Bruce says looing at the paintings

-Is everything okey Master?- Alfred says looking a bit worried

-Is just the last attack of the riddle got me thinking about what's gonna be his next move- Bruce says serious

-Master Bruce please try to focus on the paintings and try to socialize with the woman...or men I don't judge- Alfred said with a smile on his face.

-...Thanks Alfred...I... I wanna be on my own for a bit- Bruce said as he walk to a more isolated area.

Bruce was looking at the paintings but he didn't find them interesting to be honest he wanted to stay in his home or working like a vigilante. That's when a painting catch his eyes. It was a medium sizes painting that shows a very use street of Gotham but deep in one alley of the street a very little man that his body looks like a balloon had a gun in his hand. that... penguin?- Bruce said looking intrigued. Sudendly someone crash with him. -Shit I'm sorry Sir- A girl with brunette hair and glasses and a black long dress with the back uncovered told him. -Don't need to be sorry miss- Bruce told the girl-. Oh? ammmm Are you enjoying the paintings Mr. Wayne?- the girl smile while looking at Bruce. 

-How do you know my name?- Bruce says serious in a more aggresive tone-  well your are Bruce Wayne like your face is in every article I read- she says in a kind tone making Bruce be more calm.- Yes, I'm enjoying this painting in especific- Bruce says looking to the painting again-. Oh and why do you like it Mr.Wayne?

-Well I look at the details and I saw that the painter draw the penguin but I like the style I guess is like baroque- Bruce says trying to sound like he knows a lot of the topic- actually Mr. Wayne is romanticism- yeah? and why are you so sure?- Bruce says a little defiant. - Cause I'm the painter- The brunette says looking at him with a victory smile.

And why do you draw The penguin then? - Bruce says looking at her waiting patiently for an answer.- Well that's a secret Mr. Wayne but if you want to know more then visit me at my studio some day. She says giving him a card that has a direction.

-Well if you excuse me Mr. Wayne hope you enjoy your night but is getting late and I need to be somewhere else. She says walking away. 

Bruce stay in his place and watch her leave and minutes later he says to himself


All night he couldn't stop thinking about the painting or the painter, mostly because of his curiosity about how did she manage to see penguin and why she didn't just told the police.

-dammit... - Bruce was exahusted looking at the streets of Gotham

-Is everything okey Mr.Bruce??- Alfred broke the silence and look at Bruce waiting for an answet- I saw you talking to quite pretty miss is she your new friend?- Alfred says with a smile on his face.

-No- Bruce denayed -I think she is hiding information about the penguin so I may pay her a visit tomorrow...

-Are you sure Mr.Bruce?, she looks like a good lady- Alfred try to changes Bruce's mind but Bruce well... he is Bruce. - no maybe she had information in order to get penguin behind the bars of justice.

-okey mr.Bruce...-Alfred says a littke unsure


The next day was actually really boring, making deals with other companies and everything but Bruce manage to get Alfred's help in investigating this strange girl. But when the night fall the bat raise.

The bat look at the card with the direction and went to the entrance of a medium class apartments and saw that one of the apartments had the lights on.

"She must be there" Bruce thought so he enter to the building. As he walk trough the hallways he start to hear music blasting for one of the apartments...the one with the lights on.

He try open the door but it was lock so he took the explosive gel and use it to explode the handle and with the music nobody heard the explosion.

The bat slowly enter the apartment it was quite nice to be honest since it had lots of painting on the walls. He continue walking and saw that there was a kitchen and a living room but the music was blasting from one of the rooms so he made his way to there only to see the brunette painting and singing.

~This town don't feel mine I'm fast to get away, far. The brunette sang the lyrics to concentred on the feeling that she didn't notice when Batman was actually behind them until see saw his shadow.

-fucking fucks- she says looking at the batman - what? Batman? Ammm- she just look at him and start to nervously laugh. -ammmmm you need something??

-you had information about the penguin you know where he is right so now tell me what you know- Batman says looking at her with does deep black eyes.

-what? Penguin? are you talking about the painting I gave to the art gallery?- she looks at him and just look at him like he was crazy for accusing her just for a painting.

-yes now where is him- he says looking at her in a menace tone

-dude I don't know to be honest I can even tell you why I draw him it was just a silly reason.
-then tell me the reason- Batman says looking now more tired than angry
-Okay but... you might think I'm fucking crazy. The brunette says looking at him.
-say it- Batman says looking at her.
-I saw my dream...- The brunette says taking her glasses and playing with them.
-you dream that?- The bat sounds more like he is so confused.
-yeah like I dream sometimes things that happens so I draw them so I won't forget them
-so you have more drawings of villians? -batman says looking at her.


Hope you like it chikis :D

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