Chapter 8

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"C'mon, we're almost back so stop complaining." Cameron said, a laugh evident in her voice.

"Yeah yeah." Herobrian said, rolling his eyes.

Cameron had dragged Herobrian down to town for the day, claiming he needed to get out after staying inside for the past few days. And, though he didn't want to admit it, Herobrian had a decent time. Cameron took him shopping to get him some things that would fit clothing wise (despite his refusal), seeing as she insisted since he needed some things to wear until he went home.

After they had finished getting him some clothes, Cam dragged Herobrian to an outside restaurant where they had some lunch. During the entire meal, Herobrian's mind couldn't help but wander, his thoughts focused on Cameron.

Her brown hair was gorgeous, flowing back behind her shoulders like dark waves. Her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, revealing the gray buried deep in her eyes and the gold flicks littered around her iris.

Cameron was beautiful, and Herobrian was definitely feeling something for her.

Almost immediately after thinking that, Heribrian mentally slapped himself. He couldn't like Cameron. Doing so would put him and herself in danger.

More danger than she was already in.

Speaking of danger...

Herobrian immediately stopped in his tracks, scanning the horizon over the hill. "Wh- what is it?" Cameron asked.

"Fire." Herobrian said after a moment, sniffing the air. "There's a fire."

Cameron froze in fear before dropping the groceries she had in her arms. Ignoring Herobrian's calls, he watched as Cameron ran up the hill before stopping, staring down at was below her.

[Cameron's POV]
I froze, unable to move or do anything.

My house- it was on fire.

Herbrian came up to my side, but stiffened when he saw the sight. "Zac." I whispered, before my voice grew louder. "Zac!"

I went to run to my house but Herobrian grabbed my arm, stopping me from going. "Let me go!" I shouted, pulling against Herobrian. "Zac is down there! He may need help!"

"He's not there." Herobrian said, too calmly for my liking.

"How do you know that!?" I demanded, spinning around to face him.

"The house is empty, I can sense it. Your brother isn't inside." Herobrian said, setting his hands gently on my shoulders.

And I believed him. There was something special about Herobrian, there was no denying that. I had started to cry and, without thinking, I buried my head in his chest. I felt Herobrian tense at my action, but he eventually wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.

"I promise," He whispered. "We will get your brother back."

I nodded, looking up to meet his eyes. "Thank you." I whispered, a small smile crossing my lips. Herobrian nodded.

"C'mon, we should probably see if anything survived the fire." He said and, gently taking my hand, he led me down the hill.


Ch. 8 is here!

This one is a little shorter than the others. I hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 504


The Goddess of Emotion (Herobrian x Reader) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now