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your eyes snapped open as you began to heave in air frantically, your vision were blurry but you could make out figures and a sudden light casting upon you and ass you try to talk to the figures, your words seemed to only come out in a form of lou...

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your eyes snapped open as you began to heave in air frantically, your vision were blurry but you could make out figures and a sudden light casting upon you and ass you try to talk to the figures, your words seemed to only come out in a form of loud cries that reverberated throughout the room which shocked you because not only were you only able to let out wails but your body felt smaller, no wonder it felt as if there was something off. you could only let out a frustrated and confused cry as your tears came out nonstop and finally, you passed out.

waking up again but this time your small hands greeted you and you appeared to be wearing some sort of white dress that goes below your knees. you took a look around you and it seems like you've been left alone in a forest, abandoned. wow, how lucky of you, not even a month in and you were already discarded away by the one who birthed you but before you could release a chuckle at your thoughts that was interrupted by the sudden rustling of leaves that seemed to be headed towards you.

a beast maybe, but just as you were about to force your small legs to get up and run away from the potential threat that was nearing towards your directions, a coo was heard and your feet left the ground as you were picked up by a wrinkly hand that belonged to an old man with kind eyes.

"what's a sweet small child like you doing here? the forest isn't safe for such small beings like you-" his eyes widened as he took a closer look at your face and a certain feature that was supposed to be common was missing, "hold on, you have no mark..." his eyes softened as he seemed to understand what was the situation that led you to be left all alone in this dangerous forest. "it seems like you've been abandoned by your parents due to your missing mark, do not fret my dear child, for I will now take care of you."

a serene smile graced his features as his wrinkled face lifted up and from that moment, you deemed that he was a kind soul who would not bring you any harm and his smile brought a sense of ease throughout your body and that enough to prove that he wasn't a threat to you.

--------------- <3 --------------------------

three years has passed since that moment happened and you still remember that memory clearly. the old man who now became your father would always put a fake mark on your face so that you'd be safe from the insults and dangerous threats that lurks in the shadows for people like you who had no marks.

when the old man first brought up the idea you've told him how you can handle yourself just fine against everything that came with not having a mark but the old man only shook his head at your words and shushed you, he claimed that this was for your own sake and seeing that he has no plans of backing down you reluctantly agreed and that earned you a pat on the head.

oh, you've almost forgotten about your newly made friend. his name was lance crown and the two of you met each other through his sister who introduced you to him as the girl with the 'pretty eyes' and seeing that the male wasn't confused on what her sister meant with 'pretty eyes' it seems like the girl have told a bunch of stories about you to her brother.

his sister one day deemed that you and her brother were a perfect match which you only laughed at but it looks like what she said was true, a strong bond grew between you and the male after a few years of being besides each other.

as time pass by, lance became more clingier and protective over you to the point that it was suffocating, he once punched a boy in the face for trying to give you some flowers that the boy picked out from the school's garden and was hoping to gift it to you but his effort was only met with a punch in the face by the aggressive lance, "don't you dare touch her with your filthy hands! you dirt!" lance's voice echoed throughout the courtyard as the boy got up from the ground while holding his bleeding broken nose, his other hand held the crumpled and ruined flowers as he runs away from the other male's booming voice and his violent reaction.

you tried to cool off the tense atmosphere, trying your best to calm him down with reassurance since you knew that lance would chase after the poor boy, "lance, it's fine. I wasn't offended or hurt by any means and he was just giving me flowers." you gave him a stern glance as you pulled him away from where the two of you were standing. that poor boy.

oh! you've also made another new friend named mash burnedead, he was odd like his name but you find some of his traits adorable. he would always try to coax you into eating creampuffs with him which you admit tastes good but sometimes you have to reject his offer despite the pleading eyes he was giving you. you didn't want him to gain weight and potentially make his workouts more harsh.

mash wasn't also the greatest when it comes to comforting someone but he had his own ways of doing so, the male would give you a stiff hug. "pops would always tell me that giving someone a hug is a good way to build a friendship but also bring comfort." his arms tightened around you as you sweat-dropped at his words but you couldn't help but feel your face heating up a little from the physical touch he was giving you since you weren't used to others giving you this type of action besides your father. so, you decided to wrap your arms around him and awkwardly pat the stoic male's back in hopes of it coming off as a thank-you.

ah, you loved that memory since you and mash ended up hugging each other straightly for 3 hours until you fell asleep in his warm and cozy embrace.

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