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I nannied for everyone I knew. My aunts and uncles, my cousins, and for my parents friends.

Anyone who needed a helping hand with their kid, I was always there.

When my mom had me, I was the 2nd cousin born into the family. There was no one except for me and my older brother. For a while it was just us, then my little brother came around, and for even longer, it was just us.

No new cousins or children came into our family. Until my mother's brother finally had his first child.

A boy.

Whatever maybe the next will be a girl? But this child had just been born, and I felt he was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.

I was only 9. A child my self. I was so close to my uncle and aunt, and still am. My grandparents lived with them and as a baby my grandma would watch me in my uncles house. Over time that had stopped, but I tried my best to see her as often as possible growing up. At least three times a month.

Uncle only lived 10 minutes away anyways. He also always threw sleepovers with my aunt for us. Turns out my mom's little sister was also pregnant.

Another baby on the way.

I was having so much fun with this little one.

The next baby comes out and what do you know.

A boy.

Am I meant to be the only girl in this family? I had just turned 10 by this point.

I didn't get to see this baby grow up too much. In fact I didn't get closer with him till he was older, that doesn't normally happen for me with babies. Aunt was just so busy with work, we barely got to see her or her family until things had slowed down by their third child.

Also a boy.

Three boys from one aunt. And 3 boys from one uncle. And 2 boys from my parents, until finally. A glorious day came upon my family.

My uncle had finally had a baby girl, a baby girl I was old enough to babysit. I was 13, and to my family I was basically of age.

I had an amazing amount of fun with her, but she grew up so fast right before my eyes. All of them did.

Suddenly the first two boys were 14 and in highschool.

And suddenly I was 21 and in university.

I stayed nearby home. My cousin who was less than a decade older than me had two kids and she had offered a part time, well paying job that would last two years for me.

Of course, I took it.

However it was coming to an end...

I was so attached to her wonderful children. It felt like my heart was going to be ripped away from them, even though I could see them whenever I wanted, I felt like I'd never get to know them the way I did now.

Especially her youngest son. I had spent the most time with him as the older was off at school.

Of course I had an ample amount of time to find a new job, they gave me almost a year worth of a notice that they'd be sending their youngest off to school in the fall.

I wanted to find a job outside of nannying after this, but the current economy was making things so hard. I had no idea what to do. Rejection after rejection.

However I figured maybe that was just redirection?

Time passed and it was a few weeks before I started a new semester and also started being unemployed until finally.

'Hey Y/n? Would you be okay with doing another nannying job?' My cousin asked me.

'Yeah, I'll take anything honestly... I have gotten zero call backs from jobs.' I told her sadly.

She smiled at me.

'Well I think you might like this one... My bosses boss has been looking for a nanny, it can be someone part time according to him and i recommended you, plus he lives five minutes away from you, in Cherry Lake!'

Cherry Lake? That was the area that was literally just five minutes away like she said, the area where all of the rich people live. The uber rich.

I was by no means living in poverty. My family was supported well and I had gone to great public schools and lived in a great area, that's why it was so close to literal mansions in a gated community where millionaires lived. I'd been in it a few times. There were some interesting homes, homes I wanted to live in one day.

I loved the home my parents had for us though. It was spacious and I knew we were extremely privileged and lucky to have it. It was a home where we didn't utilize at least three rooms, to me, that was being rich. Even with all of that my parents never really gave me a dime for anything...

They rarely bought me clothes, for at least 8 years of my life, as a GIRL, I had worn my brothers older clothes? And whatever I had, I always bought it with money from birthdays or holidays. When I had gotten such a well paying job, I was finally able to have a closet filled with clothes. Before that I had only owned a few shirts and jeans.

That's not to say that my parents didn't take care of me, but for basic things in my life, they never really gave them to me... I always had to figure that out on my own. Which was still more than others had, and I was still grateful regardless.

'Cherry Lake? Wow that is close by! I'd love to take the job, how can I get in contact with this person?' I asked her with a smile as I folded up some toddler laundry.

'I'll send you his number. You can just text and tell him you'd like to do an interview for nannying and that I recommended you!' She joyfully exclaimed.

I excitedly smiled back with her and had done what she told me to immediately.

I excitedly smiled back with her and had done what she told me to immediately

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Well that was an odd conversation. No questions asked, just right into it....


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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