Comfort (Oddy/Ruby)

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(AU! Young Oddy)

"Guys are so fucking stupid."

"Na, you just got shitty taste."

Throwing a pillow at him, you shove your face back in to your blanket. Dealing with heartache fucking sucks but hey, that's life.

"Shut up you're part of the problem!"

"Ain't shit my fault. Choose your next one wisely. Probably one that doesn't get intimidated by me or Scott being around." Sitting at the edge of your bed he leans over and pulls the blanket off of you. "Stop crying over spilt milk. Dude was a jackass anyway."

Pulling the blanket back you cover yourself once more. "He meant a lot to me. Trust me if I didn't care about him I wouldn't be wasting my time over this shit. There's just some things you can't replace and shit keeps replaying in my mind on things I could've done differently."

"Do you really believe there's something YOU could've done different? I can one hundred percent say with certainty that he's not giving a shit on how this is affecting you."

"How the hell are you so sure about that?"

"I don't see him calling or trying. You don't give up on someone you so-called "love". There's a difference in loving someone and just being comfortable with their existence cause it makes you feel less alone." Pulling out an old lighter you stole for him at the local gas station, he flicks it a few times watching the flame go out just as quickly as it came. Although it being low on butane, he carries it around with him. It's his 'lucky charm'. "Sooner or later you'll realize that not everyone cares."

Watching him as he spoke, you remove your blanket and drape half of it over his shoulder so you both were covered.

"But you care, right?"

"My fuckin' god— what the fuck?" Lightly nudging you away from him, he sighs. "Of course I do. Why else would I be here?"

"Cause you have nothing better to do on a Friday night?" Laughing at him as he takes the blanket off to try and suffocate you with it by bundling it over your face. You smile lightly at him before resting your head on his shoulder.

Trying his best to keep his composure to not let his guard down and pull you in to his arms and confessing his feelings that he's had for so long, realizing it would sound selfish to say 'I was hoping you two didn't work out' he kept his mouth shut.

"Thank you for being here to comfort me."

"Shut up."

"I'm trying to be nice and this is what the fuck I get?" Feeling yourself starting to get emotional again, you push him away and get back under the covers.

"Oh for fucks sake, dude."


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