Two lovers

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Earth's Pov

So basically,nothing special just chilling in my orbit...I thought this was just gonna be another ordinary day,I guess.

I sighed and just sat there,bored.My best buddy,Mars,is like busy right now...Venus is of course bullying Mercury again.

"Ugh."I looked towards my moon and he was staring off into space,not even paying any attention to me.

So I sat there.Even though it was boring,it was pretty peaceful.Like nothing could go wrong.

Mars went up to me.

"Hey Earth,,,sorry if I'm busy lately."

I looked at Mars,hoping he finally had time to play cards or something.

"Yeah,it's fine anyway have time to finally play cards now?"

I shook the deck of cards infront of Mars' face.

He pushed the cards away and laughed.

"No,we can't play now...But I need your help!"

I tilted my head curiously.What could Mars possibly need help with?

"Huh?With what??Can't you do it yourself???"I replied to him.

He chuckled,"No, earth it's a two planet job.Just come on, It'll be fun!"

I thought about it for a moment.You know what?Why not?I decided to go with Mars,wherever he wanted to bring me for help or whatever.

Mars kept giving me hints of something but I couldn't understand what he was trying to say,so I just tagged along.

When we reached the asteroid belt,he stopped and grabbed an asteroid and put it in my face.

"Huh?What are you going to do with that asteroid?"I enquired him but he just smiled at me smugly.

I was incredibly confused but decided to just go along with whatever he was trying to do.

After Mars grabbed some asteroids from the belt,he made his way back to the Goldilock zone and handed me some of the asteroids.

"What do we need these for?"I asked, still extremely confused.Mars giggled

"You'll see."

See what?What do you mean,Mars?Thoughts and theories flowed through my core,wondering what the heck he was up to.

Maybe he wants to hurt someone?Maybeee he wants to throw asteroids somewhere?Maybe he wants to play asteroid dodgeball??

I was just lost in my thoughts before Mars nudged me.

"Hey,wake up it's no time for daydreaming right now Earth,come with me."

I followed Mars as he led me to some secluded area where no one could be seen,even the Sun's light was hard to see here.

"Ah, It's so dark here,Mars.Where the heck are we?"

"Just follow me,Earth.You will know what is happening soon."

Mars smiled at me and told me to hurry up.It was quite a lump of asteroids,you could actually hide behind them and remain hidden.

So he led me to a big asteroid clump,large enough to hide the both of us.

Mars then signalled at me to keep quiet.I was still wondering what he wanted me to do.He peeped through a crack in the lump of asteroids,and turned to me.

"Alright so you know the dangerous dwarf planet,Ceres right?"

I nodded,and wondered if he wanted my help to stop the dwarf planet from terrorizing him when he's sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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