The Geography Teacher

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Oh um hi...

Are you meant to be in class? 

oh right it's lunch


Um so how are you? Are you.. enjoying ... school??

I won't be shocked if the answer is no!!

So what's your name? I don't have...uh.. well.. I guess I'm not the best at remembering names!! I don't even know my own name (my current one). The only ones I remember is Miss Delight- she teaches anatomy and Miss Cheer- she teaches math. I knew them before...uh...this happened. I mean, like, well all look the same and we all have similar sounding names- I swear they are all just synonyms of "happy". I think the English teacher is actually called Miss Happy or something like that?? I'm honestly shocked anyone can actually tell us apart (other than Miss Cheer and the history teacher that I forgot the name of- they both wear glasses)..

well done if you can..

Everyone is called "miss this" or "miss that" or "mommy this" or "daddy that" or "huggy" or "kissy" or "lovey dovey" or "happy" or something like that. What's next?? This place is so unimaginative with their names. We're toys. How on earth are we supposed to be parental figures?? You should probably Ask Mommy Long Legs.

I'm not even a toy!! I'm resisting the urge right now to go and join in a game of tag or hopscotch or something like that with the kids. And roll around in mud. If there was mud. I wish it all wasn't so fake here. Fake this fake that. Fake smiles fake happiness, fake trust and fake words. It's all lies, lies, I tell you. All they do is watch you. And study you. And analyse you. And then when they've done enough research on you- like what you like doing, what your strengths are, what your favourite toy is and which one your are more suited to be like- they pick you. And then you will never be yourself again. They are watching us right now, there's a cam up there. So that means they will probably know I'm telling you this... and you'll be picked because you know too much and I'll be dead. I wonder what toy you'll be.. and how they'll kill me..

I'd rather not think about that to be honest.

I think that they'll lock me up in one of those cells in the playhouse?? That's what'll most likely happen, anyway. Oh wait- you aren't supposed to know about those! Forget I said anything..

Basically they say "oh yes, you'll be completely fine and totally nothing is going to happen to you at all" in a nutshell. And then bam you're a toy. Some of us are big toys- like me- but most of us are little toys. No consent. It's like- excuse me, this is not what I signed up for. In fact, I didn't sign up at all. I never even wanted to be here. It wasn't my choice. But you see, I guess it's never a choice. Not for us, anyway. We have to abide by their rules, or else "bye-bye!".

My parents were killed in a car accident. And my...uhh......I think it was my...uhh.. mum's friend?? Yeah... her friend worked here... and I had to live with her for a bit before playcare opened. Then I lived here. It was either that she knew about the experiments and she basically sold me into slavery here- they kind of expect us big toys to do everything for them..- or she didn't know about them, like Stella, and half of the staff, and all the kids. Since if you do know and a member of staff who knows finds out you know, you're next. 

Maybe she didn't know what she put me up for.

And I didn't know either, until it was too late.

Which was the worst part of it all.

I swear that one of the ways that they decide which toy you're going to be if what you carry around with you. Like, sure, I used to like reading atlases but that because I used to think that they were more interesting than writing random paragraphs on random stuff that had no links in English classes. And that was when the employees ran the school. And that was not a fun time, let's just say. But like, sure, I liked atlases but that doesn't mean that I'm up for talking to god knows how many kids about the same things. Especially that one kid who can't understand my voicebox, which is odd, since I sound perfectly normal- apart from the fact if that I sound 20 when I'm...uh...I think...12?? Not sure anymore to be honest. I'm definitely not 20 though, I'm younger than that. So I was talking to this kid and saying to him that sure, I could ask one of the employees to fiddle with my voicebox and make it easier for him to understand. Since I had to explain the brief to him over 10 times and it wasn't even that hard. Trust me, my work is not hard. You know, I think I've thought you like once before?? Maybe??

Oh no, really, I am like you. But without the skin and the flesh. I'm more like just muscles, blood, bones and teeth. And plastic. And probably metal too. Are teeth bones?? I honestly have no idea. Ask Miss Delight. She should know.

Since it's lunch, have you eaten yet? I should probably eat at some point. Just a random thought,  since I can eat food like you can, how do I pee? I don't have genitals- which would be odd- so how on earth do I pee? I mean, I could like cut open my stomach and pee through that- but then again, that sounds more like a path to a slow and painful death... so maybe not. Huggy has evidently no way of peeing, the only way things can enter and exit his body is through his mouth... oh my god does Huggy pee through his mouth!? ewww..

That's actually grim if he does.... poor Huggy..

Another random thought, what would happen if I ran away? It's not a great idea, I've heard that someone's tried before...and let's just say it didn't end well..

I mean, I don't exactly blend in, being a doll and all.. 

Someone will probably recognise that I'm that one doll from Playtime Co. and return me.. or someone will come and find me and retrieve "cOmPaNy PrOpErTy". Which I take offense to being called. Since it's all their fault  that I'm "cOmPaNy PrOpeRtY". 

Ugh. I really do hate being here sometimes. "Playtime"? More like "Deathtime". 

Never mind. Lessons start soon, and I have a class to teach. Not that I feel like teaching, but it's not like I have a choice. Once again.

So.. uh.. have a nice day! Look forward to seeing you soon..

Author note: Wow! 1135 words!! Longest thing I've ever written. I hope that they aren't too many mistakes since I don't have the energy to read this through before I publish it. 

Which teacher is next I wonder? Will it be Miss Delight (anatomy), Miss Cheer (math), Miss Positive (Science), Miss Glee (Computing), Miss Sunshine (English- geography girl almost  got it right!), Miss Joy (Art), or one of the other teachers (History, Drama, RE, PSHE/PD, Textiles, Music or the school nurse)? Comment on this paragraph which one you want! All the options have been listed here :) 

This will be updated soon-

Bex :D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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